
A library which helps to specify, check and reflect code contracts.

v0.1.0 2015-03-14 15:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:13:33 UTC


PHP Contracts is an assertion library for PHP to validate arguments and invariants. This library aims to replace my library nunzion/php-expect.


This library is still in development! However, the signature of the method Contract::requires will not change and it is guaranteed that an exception is beeing thrown if the condition evaluates to false.


You can use Composer to download and install PHP Contracts. To add PHP Contracts to your project, simply add a dependency on hediet/contracts to your project's composer.json file.

Here is a minimal example of a composer.json file that just defines a dependency on PHP Contracts:

    "require": {
        "hediet/contracts": "dev-master"


Using this library is as simple as calling Contract::requires with an arbitrary condition:

use Hediet\Contract;

function sum($a, $b)
    Contract::requires(is_int($a) && is_int($b));

If the specified condition evaluates to false, PHP Contracts analyzes the condition and throws an exception with an appropriate error message.

The following code will throw an \InvalidArgumentException with the message Argument 'b' must be of type 'integer', but is of type 'string'.:

sum(1, "test");

Explicitly Supported Tests

Currently PHP Contracts understands the following conditions:

  • All is_TYPE functions for TYPE being a primitive.
  • Comparison operators like <, <=, >, >=.
  • Disjunction of type constraints, e.g. is_int($a) || is_float($a) || $a === null. Internally, a type constraint is being created for $a which denotes that $a must be of type int|float|null.
  • Conjunction of constraints.

However, currently all expressions must be constants or arguments.


public function intArgumentsProvider() { return array(array(7, 1)); }

 * @dataProvider intArgumentsProvider
 * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument 'a' must be greater than '1' 
 * and less than or equal to argument 'b', but 'a' is 7 and 'b' is 1.
public function testExampleRange($a, $b)
    Contract::requires(1 < $a && $a <= $b);

 * @dataProvider intArgumentsProvider
 * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument 'a' must be of type 'null|string', but is of type 'integer'.
public function testExampleUnionType($a)
    Contract::requires($a === null || is_string($a));

 * @dataProvider intArgumentsProvider
 * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument 'a' must be greater than '10', 
 * but is 7 or argument 'a' must be of type 'null', but is of type 'integer'.
public function testExample4($a)
    Contract::requires(($a === null) || ($a > 10));


If the condition evaluates to true, the requires method returns immediately. Thus, if a condition does not fail, there is no significant performance decrease.

If a condition fails, i.e. evaluates to false, the stacktrace is used to determine the location of the requires call. After that, the invocation is parsed with nikic/PHP-Parser and converted to a set of constraints. These constraints may reference expressions to which the constraints are applied to. By using the stacktrace a second time, the arguments and the value of $this can be obtained for the context of the invocation to evaluate these expressions, so that a constraint can add an explanation of why he has failed.


  • Support deep expressions, so that conditions like Contract::requires(count($a) > 0) can be analyzed. Since $a may be obtained from the stacktrace and count is a pure method, count($a) can be evaluated without side effects.
  • Support various array tests.
  • Throw an invariant exception if no argument is referenced in the condition.
  • Use optionally provided values to evaluate expressions which uses variables that are neither arguments nor $this.
  • Add a reflection API which parses the first Contract::requires calls of a method and returns their corresponding constraints. This enables propagating constraints to the UI.


Henning Dieterichs - henning.dieterichs@hediet.de


PHP Expect is licensed under the MIT License.