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A Laravel package that ensures model attribute values follow a specified sequential order during creation or updates.

1.0.0 2023-09-09 01:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 03:14:54 UTC



The Sequential Attribute Guard is a Laravel package that provides a powerful and flexible way to manage sequential attributes and their rules for your Eloquent models. With this package, you can easily define multiple sequential attributes for your models, each having its own set of rules for attribute value ordering.

Key Features:

Define and manage multiple sequential attributes for your Eloquent models.
Configure sequential attribute rules to control the allowed order of attribute values.
Ensure data integrity and consistency by enforcing sequential rules during model creation and updates.
Simplify complex data management scenarios by using a straightforward and expressive syntax.


To install the Sequential Attribute Guard package, follow these simple steps:

Install the package via Composer:


composer require heddiyoussouf/sequential-attribute-guard


Define your Eloquent model and implement the ChecksSequentialAttributeOrder interface.


use Heddiyoussouf\SequentialAttributeGuard\Interfaces\ChecksSequentialAttributeOrder;
use Heddiyoussouf\SequentialAttributeGuard\Traits\EnforcesSequentialAttributes;

class YourModel extends Model implements ChecksSequentialAttributeOrder
    use EnforcesSequentialAttributes;

    // Define your model attributes and their rules here.

Define your sequential attributes and their rules within the model using the sequentialAttributes and attributeRules methods.


public static function sequentialAttributes(): array
    return ['attribute1', 'attribute2'];

public static function attributeRules(): array
    return [
        'attribute1' => [
            'value0" => null                         // value0 initial value of attribute1
            'value1' => ['value2', 'value3'],        // value1 comes only after value2 or value3
            'value2' => ['value1'],
            // Define rules for 'attribute1' here.
        'attribute2' => [
            // Define rules for 'attribute2' here.

Now, your model is equipped with sequential attributes and their defined rules, ensuring that data adheres to the specified order when created or updated.


PHP >= 8.0
Laravel >= 8.0

Explore the Sequential Attribute Guard package and take control of managing sequential attributes and their rules effortlessly in your Laravel applications.