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A Laravel package to simplify the use of pipelines with artisan commands for step generation and an intuitive facade interface.

1.0.0 2023-09-08 00:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-01 02:14:48 UTC


The heddiyoussouf/pipeline package provides a simplified way to utilize Laravel's pipeline mechanism and introduces a command to rapidly generate "step" classes. It extends Laravel's pipeline functionality, allowing users to pass data through various transformations (steps) more efficiently. Features:

A make:step artisan command to quickly generate step classes.
A facade to easily interact with the pipeline.
Ability to apply a sequence of steps to a given input and get a final result.
Publishable stubs to further customize the generated step classes.


Require the package:

You can include the package in your Laravel project with the following command:


composer require heddiyoussouf/pipeline

Service Provider:

Laravel will automatically register the service provider. If you're on an older version of Laravel or have disabled package discovery, add the provider manually in config/app.php:


'providers' => [
    // ...


Generate a Step:

After installation, you can use the provided artisan command to generate step classes:


php artisan make:step YourStepName

This will create a new step class inside the App\Steps directory.

Using the Pipeline:

You can easily utilize the provided pipeline with the facade:


use Heddiyoussouf\Pipeline\Facades\Pipeline;

$result = Pipeline::apply($initialValue, [YourStep1::class, YourStep2::class]);

Publishing PipelineProvider:


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Heddiyoussouf\Pipeline\PipelineProvider"

Once published, you can find the stubs in your project's root stubs directory.