
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A collection of use PHP utility classes and functions. 2014-06-25 01:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:33:13 UTC


A collection of use PHP utility classes and functions.


This project is a collection of classes, methods, and functions which I've created over the years, and I use them in most of my other projects. The purpose of this project is putting all my useful code in one place. I'll be adding to this framework as I find useful classes from my other projects that I think should go into the core.



The library may be installed using either git or composer.


Simply clone the project with the following command.

git clone git@github.com:headzoo/core.git

Add the project to your composer.json as a dependency.

"require": {
    "headzoo/core" : "dev-master"

Class Overview

The full class API documentation is available in the /docs directory and the wiki.


Contains static methods for working with arrays.


Contains static methods for working with strings.


Contains static methods for working with objects and classes.


Used to capture and gracefully handle core errors and exceptions.


Utility class used to work with E_ERROR constants.


Used to profile code.


Utility class for converting from one value to another.


Trait for reflecting on class constants.


Abstract class for creating enumerator classes.


Used to call a function when a resource is no longer needed.


Creates a callable instance with configurable behavior.


Contains methods for working with functions and methods.


Contains static methods for making comparisons between values.

Quick Start

This quick start guide briefly goes over a few of the classes. The full class API documentation is available in the /docs directory.


echo Strings::camelCaseToUnderscore("CamelCaseString");
// Outputs: "camel_case_string"

echo Strings::camelCaseToUnderscore("MaryHadALittleLamb");
// Outputs: "mary_had_a_little_lamb"

$is = Strings::startsUpper("Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.");

// Output: bool(true);

$is = Strings::startsUpper("you've been in the pipeline, filling in time");

// Output: bool(false)

// Truncating a string at the end.
echo Strings::truncate("Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.", 20, Strings::TRUNC_END);

// Outputs: "Mary had a little..."

// Truncating a string at the start.
echo Strings::truncate("Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.", 20, Strings::TRUNC_START);

// Outputs: "...as white as snow."

// Truncating a string in the middle.
echo Strings::truncate("Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.", 20, Strings::TRUNC_MIDDLE);

// Outputs: "Mary ha...e as snow."


$array = [

echo Arrays::conjunct($array);
// Outputs: headzoo, joe, and sam

// Using a callback to quote the array values.
echo Arrays::conjunct($array, "and", 'Headzoo\Core\Strings::quote');
// Outputs: 'headzoo', 'joe', and 'sam'

$arr = [
 0 => [
     "username" => "headzoo",
     "email" => "sean@headzoo.io"
 1 => [
     "username" => "joe",
     "email" => "joe@headzoo.io"

$ret = Arrays::column($arr, "username");

// Outputs: ["headzoo", "joe"]


// Testing whether an object is an instance of another.
$is = Objects::isInstance(new stdClass(), stdClass);
// Outputs: bool(true)

// Unlike the instanceof operator, the second argument can be a string.
$is = Objects::isInstance(new stdClass(), 'stdClass');
// Outputs: bool(true);

// You can even test an array of objects.
$objects = [
    new stdClass(),
    new stdClass()
$is = Objects::isInstance($objects, stdClass);
// Outputs: bool(true)


// Capture all errors, and display an error page instead of the usual php
// error message.
$handler = new ErrorHandler();

// Setup your own way of handing errors.
$handler = new ErrorHandler();
$handler->setCallback(function($handler) {

// Even handle errors different in different environments.
$handler = new ErrorHandler();
$handler->setCallback("dev", function($handler) {
$handler->setCallback("live", function($handler) {


// The most basic profiling.
$profiler = new Profiler();
... do something here ...
$micro = $profiler->stop();

// Outputs:
// "Profile time for 'default': 0.00030207633972168"
// double(0.00030207633972168)

// This example runs the closure 100 times, and displays the profile results.
Profiler::run(100, true, function() {
  ... do something here ...

// Output:
// Total Runs:                 100
// Total Time:      0.099596977234
// Average Time:    0.000981624126
// -------------------------------
// Run #1           0.000479936599
// Run #2           0.000968933105
// Run #3           0.000982999801
// Run #4           0.000988006591
// ......
// Run #97          0.000985145568
// Run #98          0.000983953476
// Run #99          0.000997066497
// Run #100         0.000993013382


class DaysEnum
   extends AbstractEnum
   const SUNDAY    = "SUNDAY";
   const MONDAY    = "MONDAY";
   const TUESDAY   = "TUESDAY";
   const THURSDAY  = "THURSDAY";
   const FRIDAY    = "FRIDAY";
   const SATURDAY  = "SATURDAY";
   const __DEFAULT = self::SUNDAY;

$day = new DaysEnum("SUNDAY");
echo $day;
echo $day->value();

// Outputs:

// The default value is used when not specified.
$day = new DaysEnum();
echo $day;

// Outputs: "SUNDAY"

// The constructor value is not case-sensitive.
$day = new DaysEnum("sUndAy");
echo $day;

// Outputs: "SUNDAY"

// Enum values are easy to compare.
$day_tue1 = new DaysEnum(DaysEnum::TUESDAY);
$day_fri1 = new DaysEnum(DaysEnum::FRIDAY);
$day_tue2 = new DaysEnum(DaysEnum::TUESDAY);
$day_fri2 = new DaysEnum($day_fri1);

var_dump($day_tue1 == DaysEnum::TUESDAY);
var_dump($day_tue1 == $day_tue2);
var_dump($day_fri1 == $day_fri2);
var_dump($day_tue1 == DaysEnum::FRIDAY);
var_dump($day_tue1 == $day_fri1);

// Outputs:
// bool(true)
// bool(true)
// bool(true)
// bool(false)
// bool(false)


// In this example we create a method which requests a web resource using curl.
// We use a SmartCallable instance to ensure the curl resource is closed when
// the method returns, or an exception is thrown.

public function fetch()
  $curl = curl_init("http://some-site.com");
  $sc = SmartCallable::factory(function() use($curl) {

  $response = curl_exec($curl);
  if ($e = curl_error()) {
      throw new Exception($e);

  return $response;

// The method could also be written this way.
public function fetch()
  $curl = curl_init("http://some-site.com");
  $sc = SmartCallable::factory("curl_close", $curl);

  $response = curl_exec($curl);
  if ($e = curl_error()) {
      throw new Exception($e);

  return $response;


// In this example you want to insert a row into the database, which may lead to
// a DeadLockException being thrown. The recommended action for dead locks is retrying
// the query. We use a ConfigurableCallable instance to keep trying the query until
// it succeeds.
$link  = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "my_db");
$query = new ConfigurableCallable("mysqli_query");
$result = $query($link, "INSERT INTO `members` ('headzoo')");

// In this example we will call a remote web API, which sometimes takes a few tries
// depending on how busy the remote server is at the any given moment. The remote
// server may return an empty value (null), the API library may thrown an exception,
// or PHP may trigger an error.
$api     = new RemoteApi();
$members = new ConfigurableCallable([$api, "getMembers"]);
$rows = $members(0, 10);


echo Conversions::bytesToHuman(100);
// Outputs: "100B"

echo Conversions::bytesToHuman(1024);
// Outputs: "1KB"

echo Conversions::bytesToHuman(1050);
// Outputs: "1.02KB"

Change Log

v0.6.3.2 - 2014/06/24
  • Change to Objects::isInstance handling of non-objects.
v0.6.3.1 - 2014/05/28
  • Created FunctionsTrait::throwOnInvalidArgument.
v0.6.2 - 2014/05/19
  • Bug fix in Arrays class.
v0.6.1 - 2014/05/13
  • Minor fixes for Psr\Log.
v0.6.0 - 2014/04/01
  • The Functions class is now a trait, FunctionsTrait.
  • Renamed the class Complete to SmartCallable.
  • Created the ConfigurableCallable class.
  • Created the Comparator class.
v0.5.0 - 2014/03/31
  • Created the Conversions class.
  • The Profiler::run method outputs memory usage.
  • Refactored the ErrorHandler class.
v0.4.1 - 2014/03/30
  • Created the Functions::swapArgs method.
  • Refactored some of the code in the ErrorsHandler class.
v0.4.0 - 2014/03/30
  • Created the ErrorsHandler class.
  • Created the Errors class.
  • Created the Arrays::remove method.
v0.3.2 - 2014/03/29
  • Created the Strings::truncate method.
  • Removed the Strings::split method.
  • Created the Profiler class.
  • Made psr/Log a requirement.
v0.3.1 - 2014/03/27
  • Merged the Validator class into the Functions class.
v0.3 - 2014/03/26
  • Renamed the namespace Headzoo\Utilities to Headzoo\Core.
  • Renamed the project headzoo/core.
  • Created core class Obj.
  • Added the trait ConstantsTrait.
  • Created the ConstantsTrait trait.
  • Created the AbstractEnum class.
  • The Strings class is now made to work seamlessly with multi-byte strings.
  • Renamed Strings::transformCamelCaseToUnderscore to Strings::camelCaseToUnderscore.
  • Renamed Strings::transformUnderscoreToCamelCase to Strings::underscoreToCamelCase.
  • Added new methods to the Strings class:
    • Strings::startsWith.
    • Strings::endsWith.
    • Strings::startsUpper.
    • Strings::startsLower.
    • Strings::replace.
    • Strings::length.
    • Strings::chars.
    • Strings::toUpper.
    • Strings::toLower.
    • Strings::ucFirst.
    • Strings::lcFirst.
    • Strings::title.
    • Strings::sub.
    • Strings::split.
    • Strings::transform.
v0.2.3 - 2014/03/25
  • Increased the minimum PHP version requirement to 5.5.0. Long live, ClassName::class!
  • Added the method Strings::quote.
  • Added the method Arrays::conjunct.
  • Added the method Functions::swapCallable.
  • Added the class Validator.
v0.2.2 - 2014/03/24
  • Added the method Arrays::findString.
v0.2.1 - 2014/03/24
  • Changed visibility of Complete::invoke to public.
v0.2 - 2014/03/24
  • Added the Complete class.
v0.1 - 2014/03/23
  • First version released under MIT license.


  • Replace Strings constants with enums.


This content is released under the MIT License. See the included LICENSE for more information.