
NZBCX API library

dev-master 2015-07-30 03:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 16:33:52 UTC


This is a PHP wrapper library for the NZBCX API


Install using Composer.

composer require haydenw/nzbcx-api:dev-master


Modify $apiKey, $apiSecret and $userId to your API details. Ensure these are kept securely.

$apiKey = "W8X7nzwDxifU8HYo56TzSXqVRhAFhsUc8RWo";
$apiSecret = "PDmYdflwnE4jQhdvnlDkK3gBQ0E1qmSdX0sL";
$userId = "1234567";

Basic usage

$nzbcx = new NZBCX($apiKey, $apiSecret, $userId, true); // Create NZBCX instance in test mode

// Make calls to NZBCX functions and use the results returned
$accountBalance = $nzbcx->accountBalance();
if ($accountBalance) {
	echo "BTC Balance: ".$accountBalance->BTC_balance."\n";
	echo "NZD Balance: ".$accountBalance->NZD_balance."\n";

See example.php for more detailed code usage.