
Countries, language names and currencies and their translations to Spanish, Galician, Euskera and Catalan

1.0.0 2024-05-24 16:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 18:17:05 UTC


This library provides information about countries, languages and currencies in Catalan, Spanish, Euskera and Galician.

JSON Database

Two folders contain the base information in readable JSON format:

  • data/ contains the base files with one record per entity:
    • countries.json
    • currencies.json
    • languages.json
  • translations/ contains the corresponding translations:
    • ca/ for Catalan
    • es/ for Spanish
    • eu/ for Euskera
    • ga/ for Galician

Programming Interface

As the library was created in order to be part of the Cowork web application, it offers a programming interface that can easily be consumed from any PHP application.


In order to use the data via PHP, first use composer to install the package:

composer require hawara/spanish-locales


Then, just use the corresponding class to access the information you want.


All the classes in the library are in the Hawara\SpanishLocales namespace.

use Hawara\SpanishLocales\Countries;
use Hawara\SpanishLocales\Currencies;
use Hawara\SpanishLocales\Languages;

You can either instantiate those classes without any argument:

$countries = new Countries;
$currencies = new Currencies;
$languages = new Languages;

... by passing it the path to an alternative JSON file:

$countries = new Countries(__DIR__.'/data/countries.json');
$currencies = new Currencies(__DIR__.'/data/currencies.json');
$languages = new Languages(__DIR__.'/data/languages.json');

... and/or by passing it the list of languages that you wish to include:

$countries = new Countries(languages: ['ca', 'es', 'eu', 'gl']);
$currencies = new Currencies(languages: ['ca', 'es', 'eu', 'gl']);
$languages = new Languages(languages: ['ca', 'es', 'eu', 'gl']);



The iterate method offers you access to these properties for each country:

Property Example
alpha_2 ES
alpha_3 ESP
numeric_code 724
flag 🇪🇸
foreach($countries->iterate() as $country) {
        'alpha_2' => $country->alpha_2,
        'alpha_3' => $country->alpha_3,
        'numeric_code' => $country->numeric_code,
        'flag' => $country->flag,

If you specified some languages when you instantiated the countries object, you'll obtain them as an extra translations property:

  "alpha_2": "AX",
  "alpha_3": "ALA",
  "numeric_code": "248",
  "flag": "🇦🇽",
  "translations": {
    "ca": "Illes Åland",
    "es": "Islas Åland",
    "eu": "Åland uharteak",
    "gl": "Illas Åland"
Locate countries.json

The getPath method returns the path to the base JSON file that contains the countries.





The iterate method offers you access to these properties for each currency:

Property Example
letter_code EUR
numeric_code 978
foreach($currencies->iterate() as $currency) {
        'letter_code' => $currency->letter_code,
        'numeric_code' => $currency->numeric_code,
Locate currencies.json

The getPath method returns the path to the base JSON file that contains the currencies.





The iterate method offers you access to these properties for each language:

Property Example
alpha_2 es
alpha_3 spa
foreach($languages->iterate() as $language) {
        'alpha_2' => $language->alpha_2,
        'alpha_3' => $language->alpha_3,
Locate languages.json

The getPath method returns the path to the base JSON file that contains the languages.




Automated Tests

To run the tests, you need to have the package installed with its corresponding development dependencies. If you have them already installed, just use Pest to run the tests:


Interactive Tests

In order to facilitate the execution of manual or interactive tests, Psysh is also available. Just run:


... and you'll be able to consume the Hawara\SpanishLocales namespace:

    (new Hawara\SpanishLocales\Languages)->iterate()