
Nicer looking URLs for key/value pairs for REST style operations

v1.2.0 2014-04-08 04:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 16:58:57 UTC


This library provies a simple way to setup nice looking URLs.

URLopts encodes various parameters into the URL string itself similar to a normal GET parameter but in a neater way.

For example the following URL shows the various components of a neatened URL:


URLopts provides a library for constructing and reading back URLs such as this within a CodeIgniter controller.


Download this repo and copy into your application directory.

Alternatively, install with Composer.


CodeIgniter Controller

Here is a simple User controler which is showing a list of users.

This function allows you to pass various parameters in the URL to filter the user list.

For example the following URLs can be used

  • http://website.com/users/list - The basic list - show everything
  • http://website.com/users/list/page/5 - Move to page 5 (e.g. if using pagination)
  • http://website.com/users/list/newsletter/yes - Only show users who are signed up to the newsletter
  • http://website.com/users/list/role/admin - Only show 'admin' users
  • http://website.com/users/list/recent/yes - Only show users who have logged in recently
  • http://website.com/users/list/page/5/newsletter/yes - A combination of only showing page 5 + users subscribed to the newsletter
  • http://website.com/users/list/role/admin/recent/yes - Another combination showing only 'admin' users who have loggged in recently
  • All of the above can be combined in any combination.

The example CodeIgniter controller would look something like this:

class Users extends CI_Controller {

	function List() {
		$this->URLopts = new URLopts();

		// Setup various DB query parameters
		$offset = 0;
		$limit = 30;
		$where = array();

		$params = $this->URLopts->Get(); // Process this URL into an accessible array object of parameters

		if (isset($params['page'])) // Are we asking for a specific page (e.g. http://website.com/users/list/page/5)
			$offset = $limit * $params['page'];

		if (isset($params['newsletter']) && $params['newsletter']) // Are we only interested in users subscribed to a newsletter (e.g. http://website.com/users/list/newsletter/yes)
			$where['newsletter'] = 1;

		if (isset($params['role']) && $params['role']) // Are we only interested in users with a specific role (e.g. http://website.com/users/list/role/admin)
			$where['role'] = $params['role'];

		if (isset($params['recent']) && $params['recent']) // Are we only interested in users who have logged in recently (e.g. http://website.com/users/list/recent/yes)
			$where['lastlogin >='] = strtotime('-1 ' . $params['recent']);

		$this->load->view('users/list', array(
			'users' => $this->User->GetAll($where, $limit, $offset), // This assumes you have a 'User' model with the function 'GetAll()'
			'limit' => $limit,
			'offset' => $offset,
			'params' => $params,

CodeIgniter Views

This library also provides ways to return a URL with various options turned off/on.

For example these functions can be placed in your view to return the current URL again with various options set:


The above sets 'foo' to 'bar' in the URL. If the current URL was 'http://website.com/users/list' the above would return 'http://website.com/users/list/foo/bar'.


The above sets 'foo' to '1' in the URL. If the current URL was 'http://website.com/users/list' the above would return 'http://website.com/users/list/foo/1'.


The above removes 'foo' from the URL. If the current URL was 'http://website.com/users/list/foo/bar' the above would return 'http://website.com/users/list'.

An alternate syntax is also available:

<?=$this->URLopts->Add('foo', 'bar')?>
