
CodeIgniter extension providing automated model functionality based on a DB schema

v0.3.2 2014-10-11 05:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 03:16:16 UTC


Joyst is a CodeIgniter extension providing automated model functionality based on a DB schema.

Joyst has the following aims:

  1. To automate the tedious specification for models in CodeIgniter - its does this by automatically providing common functionality like get(), getAll(), getById() etc.
  2. To automate the acccess to the data layer for simple tasks (CRUD) from the front end to the backend.


Install is via Composer with:

composer require hashbang/joyst

Common errors:

  • Fatal error: Class 'Joyst_Controller' not found - Joyst needs to be loaded very early in the CI load order. Add a call to require('vendor/autoload.php'); in application/config/config.php rather than the auto load file.

Use within CodeIgniter

Simple example

Below is an example CodeIgniter model using Joyst which provides user model functionality. The only essencial part of the below is the class extending Joyst_Model and having a function called DefineSchema() (any caps).

class User extends Joyst_Model {

	function DefineSchema() {
		$this->On('getall', function(&$where) {
			if (!isset($where['status'])) // If not specified imply only active users
				$where['status'] = 'active';
		$this->On('create', function(&$row) {
			$row['created'] = time(); // Set the row creation time when creating
			if (isset($row['email']) && empty($row['username'])) // If no username specified make the username the email
				$row['username'] = $row['email'];
			if (isset($row['password'])) { // If setting a password hash it
				$row['passhash'] = $this->HashSet($row['password']);
				unset($row['password']); // Remove it from the output since we are storing it in another field
		$this->On('save', function($id, &$row) {
			$row['edited'] = time(); // Save the time we edited the record
			if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']['userid'] == $userid) // Changing ourself?
				$_SESSION['user'] = array_merge($_SESSION['user'], $this->Get($userid, TRUE)); // Update $_SESSION['user'] to reflect the new data

		return array( // Specify the table schema
			'_model' => 'User',
			'_table' => 'users',
			'_id' => 'userid',
			'userid' => array(
				'type' => 'pk',
				'readonly' => true,
			'username' => array(
				'type' => 'varchar',
				'length' => 50,
			'fname' => array(
				'type' => 'varchar',
				'length' => 50,
			'lname' => array(
				'type' => 'varchar',
				'length' => 50,
			'passhash' => array(
				'type' => 'char',
				'length' => 40,
			'email' => array(
				'type' => 'email',
			'role' => array(
				'type' => 'enum',
				'options' => array(
					'user' => 'Regular user',
					'admin' => 'Administrator',
					'root' => 'Root user'
				'default' => 'user',
			'created' => array(
				'type' => 'epoc',
				'readonly' => true,
			'edited' => array(
				'type' => 'epoc',
				'readonly' => true,
			'lastlogin' => array(
				'type' => 'epoc',
				'readonly' => true,
			'status' => array(
				'type' => 'enum',
				'options' => array('active', 'deleted'),
				'default' => 'active',

More complex example

The below example model provides generic device functionality.

class Device extends Joyst_Model {

	function DefineSchema() {
		$this->On('getall', function(&$where) {
			if (!isset($where['status'])) // If not specified imply only active items
				$where['status'] = 'active';
		$this->On('create', function(&$row) {
			$row['created'] = time();
			$row['creatorid'] = $_SESSION['user']['userid']; // Set the creator to the current user
		$this->On('save', function($id, &$row) {
			$row['edited'] = time();
			if (isset($row['starred'])) // If we're being passed the meta field 'starred' call our defined function SetStar()
				$this->SetStar($id, $row['starred']);
		$this->on('row', function(&$row) {
			$row['starred'] = $this->IsStarred($row['deviceid']); // Append the meta field 'starred' to the output of each row

			$row['isActive'] = $this->IsActive($row); // Append the meta field 'isActive' to the output of each row
		$this->on('getall', function(&$where) {

			// Example of a meta field 'tagid' inserting an automatic join to filter by
			if (isset($where['tagid'])) {
				$this->db->join('tags2devices', 'tags2devices.deviceid = devices.deviceid');
				$this->db->where('tags2devices.tagid', $where['tagid']);

			// Example of another join if the meta field 'starred' is specified in the where condition
			if (isset($where['starred'])) {
				$this->db->join('user2device', 'user2device.deviceid = devices.deviceid');
				$this->db->where('user2device.userid', $this->User->GetActive('userid'));

			$this->db->join('dcus', 'dcus.dcuid = devices.dcuid');
			$this->db->where('dcus.locationid', $this->User->GetActive('locationid'));
		$this->on('created', function($deviceid, $row) {
			// Log that we created the item
			$this->Log->Add('device', "Device #$deviceid created", null, array('deviceid' => $deviceid));

		return array(
			'_model' => 'Device',
			'_table' => 'devices',
			'_id' => 'deviceid',
			'deviceid' => array(
				'type' => 'pk',
				'readonly' => true,
			'dcuid' => array(
				'type' => 'fk',
			'ref' => array(
				'type' => 'varchar',
				'length' => 50,
			'name' => array(
				'type' => 'varchar',
				'length' => 100,
			'description' => array(
				'type' => 'varchar',
				'length' => 255,
			'type' => array(
				'type' => 'enum',
				'options' => array(
					'unknown' => 'Unknown',
					'ac' => 'Air Conditioner',
					'light' => 'Light',
					'hotwater' => 'Hot Water',
					'meter' => 'Meter',
				'default' => 'unknown',
			'spec' => array(
				'type' => 'json',
			'created' => array(
				'type' => 'epoc',
				'readonly' => true,
			'creatorid' => array(
				'type' => 'int',
				'readonly' => true,
			'edited' => array(
				'type' => 'int',
				'readonly' => true,
			'status' => array(
				'type' => 'enum',
				'options' => array('active', 'deleted'),
				'default' => 'active',

Useful snippets

Sort the return of a GetAll() call

Sometimes the built-in OrderBy functionality is too limited and you may need to rearrange the return results in the PHP HLL rather than at the database.

The following example hooks itself onto the GetAll() return and applies a Natural Sorting algorithm so things get sorted properly when they contain numbers (e.g. '1', '2', '10', '11' gets sorted correctly).

$this->on('rows', function(&$rows) {
	return usort($rows, function($a, $b) {
		return strnatcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); // Sort by the name field using a natural string sort