
Creating custom commands by PHP

v1.0.0 2023-02-02 19:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:43:42 UTC


Creating custom commands by PHP language With this package, you can easily create a command line script


composer require hasan-22/php-console


Create a command

use App\Console;

Console::command('command_name',function (){
})->purpose('Command description');

// purpose method is optional

// Run it like this
// php [scriptName.php] [command_name] [args]

Get input from user

Console::command('get_username',function (){
    $input = Console::input('Enter your name: ');
    echo $input;
})->purpose('This command gets the username');

// Run:
// php script.php get_username

Secret input

Console::command('get_password',function (){
    $input = Console::secretInput('Enter your password:');
    echo $input;

// Run:
// php script.php get_password

Get arguments for command line

Console::command('get_password',function (){
    $input = Console::option('--pass');
    echo $input;
// Run:
// php script.php get_password --pass 123456

// Output: 123456

##################### OR ########################
Console::command('get_password',function (){
    $input = Console::option('pass');
    echo $input;
// Run:
// php script.php get_password pass 123456

// Output: 123456

##################### OR ########################
Console::command('get_password',function (){
    $input = Console::option('pass');
    echo $input;
// Run:
// php script.php get_password pass=123456

// Output: 123456

Add color to text

Console::command('get_password',function (){
    $input = Console::option('--pass');
    echo Console::success($input);
    echo Console::error($input);
    echo Console::warning($input);
    echo Console::info($input);
    echo Console::none($input);

Help about commands

// script.php help
// or
//script.php --help
// or
//script.php -h
// or
//script.php h


Functions Description Example
Command Create a command Console::Command('commandName',Closure)
input It takes an input from the user and returns the value of the input Console::input('Your message')
secretInput User input will not be visible to them as they type in the console Console::secretInput('You password: ')
purpose Add a description to the command Console::purpose('Description')
option Takes the value of an argument Console::option('argName')