
Symfony bundle to import data from sleeper api to symfony


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Symfony bundle to import data from https://docs.sleeper.com/ to symfony.

Bundle contains:

  • Entities
  • Migrations
  • Repositories
  • Import commands


Documentation for SleeperApiSymfonyBundle is in doc/index.md


Installation instructions can be found in the documentation

Versions & Dependencies

Version 0.1 of the SleeperApiSymfonyBundle is compatible with Sleeper API V1. It requires Symfony 5.0 or greater. When using Symfony Flex there is also a recipe to ease the setup. Earlier versions of the SleeperApiSymfonyBundle are not maintained anymore and only work with older versions of the dependencies. The following table shows the compatibilities of different versions of the bundle.


This bundle is released under the MIT license. See the included LICENSE file for more information.

@todo: move this to docs folder @todo: hooks and events?


Why entities Structure in general (with storing complete data) Details on fieldmappings

Import strategies

Console or direct Pros and cons For console: multiple workers in parallel timings Memory restrictions

Extending this bundle

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Optimized indexes, hooks, events, ...