
A Laravel package designed for managing system configuration values in database.

v1.0.0 2024-01-11 17:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-15 18:28:22 UTC


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Laravel System Settings

A Laravel package designed for managing system configuration values in database.


1. Composer install

Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:

composer require hankz/laravel-system-settings

2. Setup

This package supports Laravel's auto-discovery feature and it's ready to use once installed.

3. Publishing the config file

You need publish the config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hankz\LaravelSystemSettings\SystemSettingProvider"

4. Configuration

You can configure this package in config\system-settings.php


return [
     * use table name.
    'table_name' => 'system_settings',

     * default value.
    'default' => [
        'group' => 'default',
  • table_name - Save the system settings table name in the database.
  • default.group - The default group name when you are missing the group parameter.

5. Migration

You should also run the migrate command.

php artisan migrate


This package is very simple and provides the following methods for your use.

new(string $key, string $value, string $group = null, string $description = null): bool

Create a new system setting.


  • $key (string): The unique identifier for the system setting.
  • $value (string): The value associated with the system setting.
  • $group (string|null): (Optional) The group to which the system setting belongs. Default is null.
  • $description (string|null): (Optional) A description providing additional information about the system setting. Default is null.


SystemSettingManager::new('keyName', 'value', 'groupName', 'description');


  • bool: Returns true if the system setting is created successfully, or throws a SystemSettingAlreadyExistsException if the setting already exists.

has(string $key, string $group = null): bool

The has() method checks if a system setting exists with the given key and optional group.


  • $key (string): The unique identifier for the system setting.
  • $group (string|null): (Optional) The group to which the system setting belongs. Default is null.


SystemSettingManager::has('keyName', 'groupName');


  • bool: Returns true if the system setting exists, otherwise false.

all(): array

Return all system settings with key and value in the format of key-value pairs.




  • array: An associative array containing all system settings in the format ['key' => 'value'].

get(string $key, string $group = null, string $default = null): null|string

The get() method allows you to retrieve the value using both the key name and group name, and it also accepts a default value.


  • $key (string): The unique identifier for the system setting.
  • $group (string|null): (Optional) The group to which the system setting belongs. Default is null.
  • $default (string|null): (Optional) The default value to return if the system setting is not found. Default is null.


SystemSettingManager::get('keyName', 'groupName', 'defaultValue');


  • string|null: Returns the value of the system setting if found, otherwise returns the specified default value or null if no default is provided.

set(string $key, string $value, string $group = null, string $description = null, bool $createWhenNotExist = false): void

The set() method allows you to update the value and description of an existing system setting or create a new one if it does not exist.


  • $key (string): The unique identifier for the system setting.
  • $value (string): The new value to set for the system setting.
  • $group (string|null): (Optional) The group to which the system setting belongs. Default is null.
  • $description (string|null): (Optional) A description providing additional information about the system setting. Default is null.
  • $createWhenNotExist (bool): (Optional) If set to true, a new system setting will be created if the specified key does not exist. Default is false.


SystemSettingManager::set('keyName', 'newValue', 'groupName', 'newDescription', true);


  • void

getByGroup(string $group): array

Retrieve all system settings within a specified group.


  • $group (string): The group from which to retrieve system settings.




  • array: An associative array containing system settings within the specified group in the format ['key' => 'value'].

setByGroup(array $settings, string $group = null, bool $createWhenNotExist = false): void

Update or create multiple system settings within a specified group.


  • $settings (array): An associative array containing system settings in the format ['key' => ['value' => '', 'description' => '']].
  • $group (string|null): (Optional) The group to which the system settings belong. Default is null.
  • $createWhenNotExist (bool): (Optional) If set to true, new system settings will be created for keys that do not exist in the specified group. Default is false.


SystemSettingManager::setByGroup(['key1' => ['value' => 'value1', 'description' => 'desc1']], 'groupName', true);


  • void

delete(string $key, string $group = null): bool|null

Delete a system setting with the specified key and optional group.


  • $key (string): The unique identifier for the system setting.
  • $group (string|null): (Optional) The group to which the system setting belongs. Default is null.


SystemSettingManager::delete('keyName', 'groupName');


  • bool|null: Returns true if the system setting is successfully deleted, false if the setting does not exist, or null if an error occurs.

To-do list

  • Add audit log


MIT License © 2023 Hankz