
Just another reward system for your laravel project

v1.0 2021-10-12 09:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 21:43:01 UTC


# laravel-reward


$ composer require hankin/laravel-reward

If you don't use auto-discovery, or using Laravel version < 5.5 Add service provider to your app.php file


Publish configurations and migrations, then migrate comments table.

php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan migrate

Add CanComment trait to your User model.

use Hankin\LaravelReward\CanReward;

class User extends Model
    use CanReward;
    // ...   

Add Commentable interface and HasComments trait to your commentable model(s).

use Hankin\LaravelReward\Contracts\Rewardable;
use Hankin\LaravelReward\HasRewards;

class Product extends Model implements Rewardable
    use HasRewards;
    // ...   

If you want to have your own Comment Model create a new one and extend my Comment model.

use Hankin\LaravelReward\Models\Rewardas LaravelReward;

class Reward extends LaravelReward
    // ...