
Handelsregister-API.de allows you to download commercial register information for German Companies with a REST-API. This API is not an official interface of the German Commercial Register, but a service of the private company fino run GmbH. All Access to the APIs are restricted by an API Key.

1.0.0 2019-03-18 18:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 02:00:18 UTC


A PHP SDK for the Handelsregister-API.de API version v1

Handelsregister-API.de PHP SDK used to integrate Handelsregister-API.de REST API into your PHP application.



Handelsregister-API.de allows you to download commercial register information for German Companies with a REST-API. This API is not an official interface of the German Commercial Register, but a service of the private company fino run GmbH.

All Access to the APIs are restricted by an API Key. Request your trial on https://www.handelsregister-api.de by submitting the contact form.

Reporting issues

Report any feedback or problems with this version by opening an issue on Github.


You can use the SDK using composer. Run the following command in your project directory to update your composer.json file and download the SDK.

$ composer require handelsregister-api/handelsregister-api-php

Alternatively, you can download this source and run

$ composer install

This generates the autoload files, which you can include using the following line in your PHP source code to start using the SDK


see examples folder