It creates a new shell command with a handful of M2 tools

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dev-master 2019-11-13 18:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 22:55:14 UTC


WH creates a new shell command {wh} with a handful of M2 tools


  • Added config option to display all layout handles at the top of the page


  • Added the {tools:regenerate} command


  • Refactored code and added several options to the {create:module} command


  • Added the {cloud} command

👁️ Installation

  • Go to your Magento root folder and run:
$ composer require hammer/wh:dev-master
  • Enter your Company name, theme, store and other optional parameters in the following array, and add it to the app/etc/env.php file:
'wh' =>
  array (
      'company_name' => 'CompanyName', // required, where you place your modules (app/code/[CompanyName] or extensions/[CompanyName])
      'default_theme' => 'CompanyName/ThemeName', // required, theme you're currently working on
      'default_store' => 'Default Store View', // required, store you're currently working on
      'localization' => 'en_US', // default localization code
      'composer_files' => 1, // 1 or 0, 1 creates a composer.json on new modules
      'module_version' => '0.0.1', // default version of new modules 
      'dummy_categories' => 1, // default qty of dummy categories
      'dummy_products' => 1, // default qty of dummy products
      'view_product_link' => 1, // 1 or 0, 1 shows 'View Product' link on Admin
      'ask_if_multistore' => 0, // 1 or 0, 1 asks for desired theme/store if multistore
      'save_db_folder' => 'var/dump', // folder to save the database dump
      'display_handles' => 0, // display all layout handles at the top of all pages
      'admin_credentials' => 'username::password', // display credentials on the admin login page 
      'magento_cloud' => 0, // 1 or 0, 1 if using Magento Cloud	
      'magento_cloud_project_id' => '', // magento cloud project ID, if any
      'magento_command' => 'bin/magento' // magento command line

Notes for faster development

  1. We recommend creating a system alias for "bin/magento". Example: "bm"
  2. If multistore, we recommend setting the "default_theme" config along with "ask_if_multistore=0"
  • Enable the WH module:
$ bin/magento module:enable Hammer_WH
$ bin/magento s:up
$ bin/magento c:f
  • You are good to go! You can check it was installed correctly by running:
$ bin/magento wh

Update the WH module to its latest version

  • Go to your Magento root folder and run:
$ composer update hammer/wh

Note: remember to always develop in Developer mode

👁️ INFO commands

Show all available commands

$ bin/magento wh --help

Show all available commands with an option to select it

$ bin/magento wh options (alias op)

Show information of your Magento instance (Edition, Version, Mode, Session, Crypt Key and Install Date)

$ bin/magento wh info:m2 (alias i:m2)

Show information of all of your Stores (ID, Title and Code)

$ bin/magento wh info:store (alias i:s)

List modules (with its code version)

  • (multiselect) Type of modules
$ bin/magento wh info:modules (alias i:m)

👁️ CACHE commands

Removes the specific cache to regenerate the templates

$ bin/magento wh cache:templates (alias c:t)

Removes the specific cache to regenerate the layouts

$ bin/magento wh cache:layouts (alias c:l)

Removes the specific cache after changing admin configurations

$ bin/magento wh cache:config (alias c:c)

Removes var/cache & var/page_cache

$ bin/magento wh cache:layouts (alias c:v)

Removes the specific cache to regenerate the DI

$ bin/magento wh cache:generated (alias c:g)

Removes the specific cache to regenerate the styles

  • (string) Name of the theme
$ bin/magento wh cache:styles (alias c:s)

Removes all cache (everything within /var and /pub/static, and /generated if Cloud)

$ bin/magento wh cache:all (alias c:a)

Removes selected cache (separated by comma)

  • (multiselect) Folders to remove (example: 1,3,5)
$ bin/magento wh cache:custom (alias c:cu)

Removes the specific cache to regenerate the admin

$ bin/magento wh cache:admin (alias c:ad)

👁️ CREATION commands

Create new module

  • (string) Name of the module
  • (multiselect) Setup files (example: 1,3 to create InstallData.php and InstallSchema.php)
  • (select) Feature
    • Extend Block/Model class
    • Create Plugin for a method
    • Create frontend page to display template
    • Create frontend page to display template using view_model
    • Create frontend page to return JSON
    • Attach Observer to Event
    • Replace constructor argument
    • Create new Command line
    • Create REST API with ACL
  • (other options) Based on the Feature selected
$ bin/magento wh create:module (alias cr:m)

Create new theme

  • (string) Name of the theme
  • (int) Theme to extend from: blank, Luma (beta) or custom
$ bin/magento wh create:theme (alias cr:t)

Create dummy data

  • (int) Quantity of categories
  • (int) Quantity of products
$ bin/magento wh create:dummy (alias cr:d)

👁️ CUSTOMER commands

Create new customer

  • (string) First name
  • (string) Last name
  • (string) Email
  • (string) Password
$ bin/magento wh customer:create (alias c:cr)

Update password of existing customer

  • (string) Email of existing customer (autocomplete)
  • (string) New password
$ bin/magento wh customer:password (alias c:p)

👁️ ADMIN commands

Create new admin user

  • (string) Email
  • (string) Username
  • (string) Password
$ bin/magento wh admin:create (alias a:cr)

Update password of existing admin user

  • (string) Email of existing admin user (autocomplete)
  • (string) New password
$ bin/magento wh admin:password (alias a:p)

👁️ FRONTEND TOOLS commands

Deploy frontend static content for given theme

  • (string) Name of the theme
$ bin/magento wh tools:static (alias t:s)

Copy core template to theme to override it

  • (string) Name of the theme
  • (string) Path to the existing template (example: vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart.phtml)
$ bin/magento wh override:template (alias o:t)

Enable the Template Hints

$ bin/magento wh hints:on (alias h:on)

Disable the Template Hints

$ bin/magento wh hints:off (alias h:off)

👁️ OTHER TOOLS commands

List of Magento Cloud commands

$ bin/magento wh cloud
Select a Magento Cloud command for the project:
  [0 ] See project info
  [1 ] See your account info
  [2 ] See all users
  [3 ] See all envs
  [4 ] See env info
  [5 ] See env URLs
  [6 ] See env logs
  [7 ] See env activity (last 10)
  [8 ] Create branch
  [9 ] Activate env
  [10] Download dump of env database
  [11] Get command to connect to env through SSH

Creates dump of the database in given folder

$ bin/magento wh dump

Downgrades version of the database module to the one on the code

(useful after changing branches)

  • (string) Name of the existing module
$ bin/magento wh module:downgrade (alias m:d)

Regenerate URL rewrites of products/categories in all/specific store/s

  • (multiselect) Store
$ bin/magento wh tools:regenerate (alias t:r)

Deploy to given mode

  • (select) Name of the mode (show, developer or production)
$ bin/magento wh deploy:mode (alias d:m)

Show M2 snippets

  • (select) Snippet to show
$ bin/magento wh snippets (alias sn)

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