
Assign categories, tags, etc, to eloquent models.

4.0.0 2023-09-04 22:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-05 00:10:55 UTC


Assign categories, tags, types, etc to your models or any taxonomy that can be used to classify models.


composer require hamedov/laravel-taxonomies

Publish config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hamedov\Taxonomies\TaxonomyServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Create taxonomies

use Hamedov\Taxonomies\Models\Taxonomy;

// Create new category
$category = Taxonomy::create([
  'title' => 'Electronics', // The only required field
  'description' => 'Electronics category description',
  'font_icon' => 'fa-laptop', // Enables you to assign font icons to your taxonomies
  'type' => 'category',
  'parent_id' => null, // Allow for sub categories/taxonomies

// Or create a new tag
$tag = Taxonomy::create([
  'title' => 'Php', // The only required field
  'type' => 'tag',

// Create any custom taxonomy
$ticket_class = Taxonomy::create([
  'title' => 'Class A',
  'description' => '',
  'font_icon' => 'fa-ticket',
  'type' => 'ticket_class',

Assign image icons to taxonomies

  • The package uses spatie/laravel-medialibrary to allow you to assign image icons to taxonomies.
  • You can configure icons collection name and icon conversions in the config file, you can define as many conversions as you like.
  • The icon collection is a single file collection.
    'icon_collection_name' => 'taxonomy_icons',
      'icon_conversions' => [
      	'medium' => [120, 120], // Width, Height
      'small' => [90, 90],
  • Assign an image to taxonomy
    // You can pass any parameter that can be passed to addMedia method of medialibrary package
  • Refer to Media library documentation for more info.

Translate taxonomies

  • You can also set translations for the title and description columns using spatie/laravel-translatable package.
  • You database server must support json columns for translations to work.
  • Refer to https://github.com/spatie/laravel-translatable for more information on how to translate these fields.

Manage model taxonomies

  • To be able to assign taxonomies to any of your models, the model must use the HasTaxonomies trait.

    use Hamedov/Taxonomies/Traits/HasTaxonomies;
    class Post extends Model {
      use HasTaxonomies;
  • Assign taxonomies to models

    $post = Post::find(1);
    $taxonomy = Taxonomy::find(1);
    // Add taxonomy to post
    // Or add many taxonomies at once
    $post->addTaxonomies([1, 2, 3]);
    // Set new taxonomies and remove existing
    // This will remove all post taxonomies of type category
    // And then adds the new specified taxonomies
    // To remove all old taxonomies of all types remove the second parameter
    $post->setTaxonomies([1, 2, 3], 'category');
    // Remove post taxonomy
    $post->removeTaxonomy($taxonomy_id = 1);
    // Remove post taxonomies of specific type
    $post->removeTaxonomies('tag', [5, 6, 7]);
    // Or remove all post tags
    // Remove all post taxonomies
    // Get post taxonomies by type
    $categories = $post->taxonomies('category')->get();
    $tags = $post->taxonomies('tags')->get();
    // Or get all taxonomies at once
    $taxonomies = $post->taxonomies;
  • Available scopes

    // Scope taxonomies with specific type
    // Scope entries with a specific taxonomy
    $taxonomy = Taxonomy::find(1);
    $posts = Post::hasTaxonomy($taxonomy->id)->get();
    // Scope entries which have any of the specified taxonomies
    $posts = Post::hasAnyTaxonomy([1, 2, 3])->get();

Query models related to specific taxonomy

// We can only get one type of taxable models at once
// This is a limitation of many to many polymorphic relationships
$taxonomy = Taxonomy::find(1);
$taxonomy_posts = $taxonomy->taxables('App\Post')->get();
$taxonomy_products = $taxonomy->taxables('App\Product')->get();

// To get all models at once, we can do something like this
$taxonomy->load('taxes', 'taxes.taxable');
foreach($taxonomy->taxes as $tax)
  // $tax->taxable here is the post or product or any thing else.

Query related entries in pivot table

  • You can query entries related to specific taxonomy in pivot table
    $taxonomy = Taxonomy::find(1);
    $pivot_entries = $taxonomy->taxes()->where([
      // Filter by taxonomy_id, taxable_id, taxable_type
  • You can also do the same from other model perspective
    $post = Post::find(1);
    $pivot_entries = $post->taxes()->where([
      // Filter by taxonomy_id, taxable_id, taxable_type


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