Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
accessibility tools
100 0
Filter out words and phrases from forum posts
296 3
Allow users to log in with QQ
2 0
auth by phone sms once code
277 2
Allow users to log in with WeChat
48 1
Add EmojioneArea emoji picker to Flarum
25 0
Allow user to authorize the third clients
1 0
修复因为使用阿里CDN造成的IP显示问题 fix ip addr when use ali cdn
23 0
Flarum 繁体中文語言包
6 1
WeChat OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
55 0
Paranoid text spacing in JavaScript
247 0
show your photos like instagram - Community Edition
37 1
for wechat mini app share
15 0
allow user css
130 0