This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the slashequip/sumy package instead.

Simple, chainable calculation library.

v0.3.1 2021-01-09 22:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-01-09 22:29:19 UTC


Sumy is a simple, chainable calculation library.

It started as a simple class in one of our projects but after needing and implementing the class in other projects we decided to turn it into a reusable package.

Here is a quick example:

$sumy = new Sumy();
$sumy->get(); // 50


You can install this package by using Composer:

composer require slashequip/sumy

Getting Started

Sumy is super simple to use, first you need to initialize an instance of Sumy in your project, you can do this a few ways:

$sumyOne = new Sumy();
$sumyOne->get(); // 0
$sumyTwo = new Sumy(100);
$sumyTwo->get(); // 100
$sumyThree = new Sumy($sumyTwo);
$sumyThree->get() // 100


$sumy = new Sumy(1000);
$sumy->add(140)->get(); // 1140
Before Function After
1000 ->add(140) 1140
1000 ->subtract(140) 860
1000 ->multiply(4.6) 4600
1000 ->divide(50) 20
961 ->sqrt() 31
24 ->pow(50) 576


All Sumy's math methods can be chained:

$sumy = new Sumy(100);
$sumy->get(); //29791


Copyright 2021 SlashEquip OÜ.

Distributed under the MIT licence. See LICENCE.txt for further information.