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v1.0.2 2017-04-23 16:28 UTC

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Last update: 2025-01-24 22:05:00 UTC


Toast style application messages for Laravel using toastr.


  1. Install by running composer require hadefication/siren.
  2. Add the service provider and facade to your config/app.php.
'providers' => [

'aliases' = [
    'Siren' => Hadefication\Siren\SirenFacade::class,


  • To collect messages, you can either use the facade Siren or the nifty little helper function called siren(). This then will give you access to all of the methods that siren can offer. To collect an error message, use siren()->error($message, $title, $important) where $message will obviously the message you want to convey and same goes to $title then $important will determine if your message will stay until it's closed (set to true) or will auto-close after a number of seconds. See example below for the type of message that can be collected using siren.
// Example

$message = 'This is a message';
$title = 'Notification';
$important = false;

// Error
siren()->error($message, $title, $important);
// or
\Siren::error($message, $title, $important);

// Success
siren()->success($message, $title, $important);
// or
\Siren::success($message, $title, $important);

// Warning
siren()->warning($message, $title, $important);
// or
\Siren::warning($message, $title, $important);

// Notice or Info
siren()->notice($message, $title, $important);
// or
\Siren::notice($message, $title, $important);
  • Next is you need to include the companion javascript library by either requiring it to your app.js or adding it directly to your view. You may need to copy vendor/src/resources/assets/dist/siren.js to your public path if your going for the later option. Luckily, Laravel Elixir or Laravel Mix can do that for you! Once the javascript library is added, you will then have siren global variable at your disposal, see Javascript section for more details.
// app.js

// direct
<script src="{{ asset('path/to/siren.js') }}"></script>
  • To show the toast messages, you need to add siren()->render() or \Siren::render() at the tail of your layout's view. It's important that this method will be the last one to be called.
    {!! siren()->render() !!}
    // or
    {!! \Siren::render() !!}


The companion javascript library uses this cool plugin called toastr to render the toast style message. Once the javascript library is referenced, then you will be able to access siren variable, this variable will then give you access to all methods that this library has to offer.

  • siren.setDefaults(options) - will let you override the default settings of toastr. options param will be the overrides that you want.
// Overridable options
    closeButton: true,
    debug: false,
    newestOnTop: true,
    progressBar: true,
    positionClass: "toast-top-right",
    preventDuplicates: true,
    showDuration: 300,
    hideDuration: 1000,
    timeOut: 5000,
    extendedTimeOut: 1000,
    showEasing: "swing",
    hideEasing: "linear",
    showMethod: "fadeIn",
    hideMethod: "fadeOut"

// Example
// Override close button to be hidden
    closeButton: false,
  • siren.error(message, title, important, options) - will show an error toast message. message will obviously the message to show and same goes to title then important will be the flag if you want the message to stay until closed or auto-closed after a period of time and finally the options param will give you the "option" to override the defaults of toastr. These will also be the same for other message types. See example below for more details.
// Error
// Will show close button to the toast message and will show the toast for 10 second
siren.error('This is a test', 'Error', false, {closeButton: true, timeOut: 10000});

// Success
siren.success('This is a success message', 'Success');

// Warning
siren.warning('Warning message here', 'Warning!');

// Notice
siren.success('A notice message here', 'Notification', true);