This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Common wrappers and IO utils for PHP

dev-master 2016-01-26 04:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-29 20:55:44 UTC


A collection of helper classes to do many simple tasks through filesystem.

The installation is done using the Composer/Packagist.

Quick reference

Retrieve the mime-type value from a given file


Return the formatted byte-length value

IO\Helpers::fmtsize($bytes[, $unit = NULL[, $format = '%01.2f %s']])

Assemble and resolve paths from its arguments

IO\Helpers::join($arg1[, $arg2[, $argN]])

Retrieve files in the given directory

IO\Dir::entries($path[, $filter = '*'[, $recursive = FALSE]])

Copy files between directories

IO\Dir::cpfiles($from, $to[, $filter = '*'[, $recursive = FALSE]])

Find files through given directory

IO\Dir::findfile($path[, $filter = '*'[, $recursive = FALSE[, $index = 0]]])

Remove files from given directory

IO\Dir::unfile($path[, $filter = '*'[, $recursive = FALSE]])

Retrieve the size in bytes from given directory

IO\Dir::size($path[, $recursive = FALSE])

Execute the lambda function for each file within the given directory using opendir() and pass the value from readdir() to the lambda block. Then use closedir() after the whole iteration.

IO\Dir::open($path, $lambda)

Execute the lambda for each file within the given directory and pass the file path to the lambda block recursively. This method use entries() to build its tree.

IO\Dir::each($path, $filter, $lambda)

Get the filename extension

IO\File::ext($name[, $dot = FALSE])

Get the whole filepath without extension

IO\File::extn($name[, $base = FALSE])

Read a single file or URL


Writes a single file

IO\File::write($file, $content, $append)

Use fopen() and pass the #resource to execute the lambda block, then close the file using fclose() automatically.

IO\File::open($file, $access, $lambda)

Execute the lambda for each line from the given file.

IO\File::each($path, $lambda)


The library performs just basic things, if you want add more features or fix something, you're welcome.