
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Mini framework for mapping content from a source to a destination system, e.g. from Propel objects to Solr or from Doctrine entities to ElasticSearch.

4.0.2 2016-07-13 21:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-01-21 16:51:02 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

content-mapping is a mini framework for mapping content from a source to a destination system. E.g. from Propel objects to Solr, from Doctrine entities to ElasticSearch or from one XML structure to another. It features interfaces to guide you on your mapping way and ships with some abstract implementation helpers or magic implementations.

ATTENTION! This repository is a fork of [webfactory/content-mapping] (https://github.com/webfactory/content-mapping) that aims to have only one type of adapter (instead of source- and destination-adapter) with the ability to also handle indexing instead of synchronizing. The difference between indexing and synchronizing is that indexing returns a queue of items that have been created, updated or deleted instead of returning all items ordered by their id.


Add this long-time fork of content-mapping as dependency by running the command (see http://getcomposer.org/):

php composer.phar require h69/content-mapping

and run

php composer.phar install


Class diagram

The content-mapping process is based on four parts: the Synchronizer or Indexer, which needs a SourceAdapter, DestinationAdapter and a Callback Function to map the source structure to destination structure.

Synchronizer The entry point is Synchronizer->synchronize(): there, the process gets an Iterator from the SourceAdapter->getObjectsOrderedById() as well as an Iterator from the DestinationAdapter->getObjectsOrderedById(), and compares the objects in each one. During the comparison (Synchronizer), it deletes outdated objects (DestinationAdapter->delete()), stores new objects (DestinationAdapter->createObject()) and updates existing objects in the destination system (Callback Function).

Indexer The entry point is Indexer->index(): there, the process gets an Iterator from the SourceAdapter->getObjectsOrderedById() and reads the status of each object (SourceAdapter->statusOf()). During the indexing, the returned status of the object defines whether the object will be created (DestinationAdapter->createObject()), updated (Callback Function) or deleted (DestinationAdapter->delete()).

Hooks DestinationAdapter->updated() and DestinationAdapter->commit() are only hooks for external change tracking, to say an object has been updated or both Iterators have been processed, i.e. changes can be persisted.


To construct a Synchronizer, you need two implementations for the Adapter (source and destination) and a callback to map properties from source to destination object. Please find abstract templates and ready-to-use generic implementations of Adapters in the h69/content-mapping-* or adapt one of webfactory/content-mapping-* to work with the updated interface of this fork. The Mapper usually is very specific for your project, so you probably want to implement it in your application.

use H69\ContentMapping\Synchronizer;
use H69\ContentMapping\Mapper\Result;

$sourceAdapter = ...; // see the readme of the corresponding package on how to construct it
$destinationAdapter = ...; // see the readme of the corresponding package on how to construct it
$typeToSynchronize = 'pages';

$synchronizer = new Synchronizer($sourceAdapter, $destinationAdapter);
$synchronizer->synchronize($typeToSynchronize, function($objectA, $objectB){
    //return Result::unchanged();
    return Result::changed($updatedObjectB);

To construct a Indexer, you need two implementations for the Adapter (source and destination) and a callback to map properties from source to destination object. Please find abstract templates and ready-to-use generic implementations of Adapters in the h69/content-mapping-* or adapt one of webfactory/content-mapping-* to work with the updated interface of this fork. The Mapper usually is very specific for your project, so you probably want to implement it in your application.

use H69\ContentMapping\Indexer;
use H69\ContentMapping\Mapper\Result;

$sourceAdapter = ...; // see the readme of the corresponding package on how to construct it
$destinationAdapter = ...; // see the readme of the corresponding package on how to construct it
$typeToIndex = 'pages';

$indexer = new Indexer($sourceAdapter, $destinationAdapter);
$indexer->index($typeToSynchronize, function($objectA, $objectB){
    //return Result::unchanged();
    return Result::changed($updatedObjectB);

Credits, Copyright and License

This project/fork was started at webfactory GmbH, Bonn and was/will be further developed by

Copyright 2016. Code released under the MIT license.