
A simple command line rbac frontend for Yii::$app->authManager

dev-master 2017-03-04 05:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:43:42 UTC


     A simple command line rbac frontent for yii2 authManager.
     It uses the standard User model of yii2 you may have to tweek it if you
     want to use an alternate implementation 
     Please Read:
     type yii rbacfe/help for help on usage

     You have to add the following to your console configuration file

     just before return statement 

     Yii::$classMap['gvasilopulos\console\controllers\RbacfeController'] = '@vendor/gvasilopulos/yii2-rbacfe/console/controllers/RbacfeController.php';

     and this as an element of the return statement 

     'controllerMap' => [
     'rbacfe' => 'gvasilopulos\console\controllers\RbacfeController'

     yii rbacfe shows about
     yii rbacfe/help displays help

     yii rbacfe/listroles : lists the defined useroles in the application

     yii rbacfe/hasrole username :lists the current roles of a user

     yii rbacfe/assignrole username role :grants a given role to a given username

     yii rbacfe/hasmainrole username: displays the current roles directly assigned to the user 

     yii rbacfe/revokerole username role: revokes a given role from a given username

     yii rbacfe/createpermissions permission1,permission2,permissionN :creates permissions
     from comma separeted values. In this quick and dirty way you cannot set descriptions 
     for permisions

     yii rbacfe/createpermission permission "description" :creates a given permission with a given description.
     Description must be enclosed in ""

     yii rbacfe/createrole role :creates a role with a given rolename 

     yii rbacfe/removeall : Removes ALL Rbac related data. Use with caution

     yii rbacfe/removeallpermissions : Removes all Permissions

     yii rbacfe/removechild parent child : Removes the given child of the given parent

     yii rbacfe/listchild parent : Lists the child objects of a given parent

     yii rbacfe/removechildren parent : Removes child obects of the given parent

     yii rbacfe/addchild parent child : Adds a given child object to a given parent

     yii rbacfe/permissionsbyrole role : Lists the permissions under a given role

     yii rbacfe/permissionsbyuser username : Gets the assigned permissions to the username

     yii rbacfe/revokeall username :Revokes all roles for a given username

     yii rbacfe/remove name : removes the object (role,permission,rule) with the given name

     yii rbacfe/permissions : Lists all the permissions in the application

     yii rbacfe/removeallroles : removes all roles in the appliction

     yii rbacfe/rules : Lists all the rules in the application

     yii rbacfe/checkaccess username pemission
