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    API REST de serviços do Portal Nacional de Contratações Públicas (PNCP)

  • PHP


    The Inter TT REST API is described using OpenAPI 3.0. The descriptor for the api can be downloaded in both [YAML](http://localhost:8080/cyclos/api/openapi.yaml) or [JSON](http://localhost:8080/cyclos/api/openapi.json) formats. These files can be used in tools that support the OpenAPI specification, such as the [OpenAPI Generator]( In the API, whenever some data is referenced, for example, a group, or payment type, either id or internal name can be used. When an user is to be referenced, the special word 'self' (sans quotes) always refers to the currently authenticated user, and any identification method (login name, e-mail, mobile phone, account number or custom field) that can be used on keywords search (as configured in the products) can also be used to identify users. Some specific data types have other identification fields, like accounts can have a number and payments can have a transaction number. This all depends on the current configuration. ----------- Most of the operations that return data allow selecting which fields to include in the response. This is useful to avoid calculating data that finally won't be needed and also for reducing the transfer over the network. If nothing is set, all object fields are returned. Fields are handled in 3 modes. Given an example object `{"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, "b": 0}`, the modes are: - **Include**: the field is unprefixed or prefixed with `+`. All fields which are not explicitly included are excluded from the result. Examples: - `["a"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}}` - `["+b"]` results in `{"b": 0}` - `["a.x"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1}}`. This is a nested include. At root level, includes only `a` then, on `a`'s level, includes only `x`. - **Exclude**: the field is prefixed by `-` (or, for compatibility purposes, `!`). Only explicitly excluded fields are excluded from the result. Examples: - `["-a"]` results in `{"b": 0}` - `["-b"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}}` - `["a.-x"]` results in `{"a": {"y": 2, "z": 3}}`. In this example, `a` is actually an include at the root level, hence, excludes `b`. - **Nested only**: when a field is prefixed by `*` and has a nested path, it only affects includes / excludes for the nested fields, without affecting the current level. Only nested fields are configured. Examples: - `["*a.x"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1}, "b": 0}`. In this example, `a` is configured to include only `x`. `b` is also included because, there is no explicit includes at root level. - `["*a.-x"]` results in `{"a": {"y": 2, "z": 3}, "b": 0}`. In this example, `a` is configured to exclude only `x`. `b` is also included because there is no explicit includes at the root level. For backwards compatibility, this can also be expressed in a special syntax `-a.x`. Also, keep in mind that `-x.y.z` is equivalent to `*x.*y.-z`. You cannot have the same field included and excluded at the same time - a HTTP `422` status will be returned. Also, when mixing nested excludes with explicit includes or excludes, the nested exclude will be ignored. For example, using `["*a.x", "a.y"]` will ignore the `*a.x` definition, resulting in `{"a": {"y": 2}}`. ----------- For details of the deprecated elements (operations and model) please visit the [deprecation notes page]( for this version.

  • PHP


    OnlyAuth 2FA API PHP Library

  • PHP


    Elasticsearch Client

  • PHP


    Laravel wrapper for iloveimg package

  • PHP


    API for evaluating transactions against direct-to-consumer Beverage Alcohol shipping regulations. This API is currently in beta.

  • PHP


    Accounts with provisioning API access can create and manage their **product environments**, **users** and **user groups** using the RESTful Provisioning API. Provisioning API access is available [upon request]( for accounts on an [Enterprise plan](

  • PHP


    Manage your website translations

  • PHP


    A lightweight client for consuming and manipulating Hypertext Application Language (HAL) resources.

  • PHP


    The Spryker Community CLI Toolkit

  • PHP


    An easy to launch a Pusher-compatible WebSockets server for Laravel.

  • PHP


    Pure client for ESIA gateway

  • PHP


    Crypto APIs is a complex and innovative infrastructure layer that radically simplifies the development of any Blockchain and Crypto related applications. Organized around REST, Crypto APIs can assist both novice Bitcoin/Ethereum enthusiasts and crypto experts with the development of their blockchain applications. Crypto APIs provides unified endpoints and data, raw data, automatic tokens and coins forwardings, callback functionalities, and much more.

  • PHP


    Trip Teknologi's PHP SDK Instagram
