guzzlehttp/psr7 dependents (2652) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Otito PHP SDK. Generated from swagger file

  • PHP



  • PHP


    # Code of Conduct Please don't abuse the API, and please report all feature requests and issues to # Rate Limiting Each API token is limited to 1 request / second as measured on a 60 second rolling window. To get this limit increased, please contact us at Error codes 420 or 429 indicate that you have exceeded the rate limit and the request has been rejected. # Basics ## HTTPS It's required ## URL Prefix In order to maintain version integrity into the future, the API is versioned. All calls currently begin with the following prefix: ## RESTful Interface Wherever possible, the API seeks to implement repeatable patterns with logical, representative URLs and descriptive HTTP verbs. Below are some examples and conventions you will see throughout the documentation. * Collections are buckets: * Elements have unique IDs: * GET will retrieve information about a collection/element * POST will create an element in a collection * PATCH will update a single element * PUT will replace a single element in a collection (rarely used) * DELETE will destroy a single element ## Sending Data Information can be sent in the body as form urlencoded or JSON, but make sure the Content-Type header matches the body structure or the server gremlins will be angry. All examples are provided in JSON format, however they can easily be converted to form encoding if required. Some examples of how to convert things are below: // JSON { "incident": { "name": "test incident", "components": ["8kbf7d35c070", "vtnh60py4yd7"] } } // Form Encoded (using curl as an example): curl -X POST \ -d "incident[name]=test incident" \ -d "incident[components][]=8kbf7d35c070" \ -d "incident[components][]=vtnh60py4yd7" # Authentication <!-- ReDoc-Inject: <security-definitions> -->

  • PHP


    Asynchronous Centrifugo client

  • PHP


    Omnichannel for live streaming on social networks We're glad that you chose to use's API for managing your connection with social networks (currently Instagram). We understand that Instagram currently restricts users from conducting live broadcasts without their official app. However, our innovative API empowers users to go live on Instagram without relying on the app itself. By leveraging our API, users gain access to a stream key, enabling them to seamlessly transmit their live broadcasts using popular software like OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). This breakthrough feature provides users with the freedom to connect with their audience and share captivating live content on Instagram, all without the constraints of the official app. The login flow: ![login flow image]( "Login flow image")

  • PHP


    Surpass the competition with superior sports data

  • PHP


    Retrofit for PHP - A type-safe PHP REST client

  • PHP


    Retrofit for PHP - Core

  • PHP


    A PHP wrapper for Circuit ID's REST API

  • PHP


    The OpenBuckets web-based tool is a powerful utility that allows users to quickly locate open buckets in cloud storage systems through a simple query. In addition, it provides a convenient way to search for various file types across these open buckets, making it an essential tool for security professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in discovering exposed data. This Postman collection aims to showcase the capabilities of OpenBuckets by providing a set of API requests that demonstrate how to leverage its features. By following this collection, you'll learn how to utilize OpenBuckets to identify open buckets and search for specific file types within them.

  • PHP

    Partially featured HTTP client for nette

  • mlab817/laravel-websockets

    An fork of Laravel WebSocket server

  • PHP


    Forked Pipedrive REST client for PHP

  • PHP


    Amazon Selling Partner API Client