
Kohana module to add PayPal payment options to a Kohana application

1.0.1 2016-08-05 16:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 21:38:00 UTC


PayPal module for Kohana 3.3


  1. Clone into the 'modules' directory of your Kohana installation or run composer require guss77/kohana-paypal
  2. Add a reference to load the module in your 'bootstrap.php' file
  3. Copy 'config/paypal.php' to your application's 'config' directory and edit according to your requirements:
  4. Replace the client Id and secret with your real PayPal client ID and secret
  5. You may also want to change the default currency
  6. Copy 'classes/PayPal.php' to your application's 'classes' directory and implement the abstract methods:
  7. PayPal::approved() should handle recording the data for the completed transaction and return a URL to direct the user to - for example, a "thank you for buying" page. See below for details.
  8. PayPal::cancelled() should handle recording that the transaction was cancelled and return a URL to direct the user to - for example, a "sorry that you cancelled your purchase" page. See below for details.


To create a transaction, call PayPal::payment($amount) where $amount is the transaction amount.

Please note that, while not required, you should pass $amount as a string, otherwise if the amount is not an integer (i.e. it has a fractional part) then it may be subject to IEEE 754 floating point rounding. To prevent that, the module truncates numeric floating point amounts to 2 decimal points, but that operation may still be subject to rounding.

PayPal::payment() will redirect the user to approve the payment through PayPal web interface. When the user completes the approval, the method PayPal::approved() in the application's implementation will be called. The approved() method receives the transaction completion details and can do any processing it needs, and then return a URL to which the user will be redirected.

If the user cancelled the transaction, the PayPal module will call the method PayPal::cancelled in the application's implementation, which will also need to return a URL to redirect the user.

An Example flow:

  • User clicks on the "buy" button on the page for product "A123".
  • Application calls PayPal::payment($priceForProduct, [ 'ProductId' => "A123" ]);
  • User gets redirected to PayPal and approved the payment.
  • User gets redirected back to the site where the PayPal module completes the transaction.
  • PayPal module calls the Application's PayPal::approved([ 'ProductId' => "A123" ], "PAY-ABCD1234EDFGH5678", (object)[ "email" => "", "first_name" => "first", "last_name" => "Last", "payer_id" => "ABCD1234EFGH", "shipping_address" => (object)[ ... ] ]);
  • approved() registers the transaction completion in the database and orders a delivery for the user
  • approved() returns the URL to the "thanks for purchasing" page
  • PayPal module redirects the user to the "thanks" page.