
Releaser is an automated semantic release version manager for CLI and PHP applications

0.3.0 2016-04-28 11:31 UTC


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Releaser is an automated semantic release version manager for PHP applications

It is intended to save time on individuals and companies - release all your repositories in a minute!

Provide Releaser with your repository name, and it will release it alongside all of its modified dependencies.

###Basic Releaser flow:

  • gets data for main repo you want to release
  • finds all of its dependencies
  • finds all dependency dependencies until all accounted for
  • figure out which repos changed since last release
  • release all modified dependencies in logical order
  • release main repo


Add a dependency to your composer, execute

composer require gundars/releaser 0.*

###Releasing a repository via PHP

$releaser = new \Releaser\Releaser('$token', '$owner');
$releaser->release($repository, $whitelistDepCommonNames, $blacklistDepCommonNames $type, $sourceRef, $mode);

#for example, this repo is released using:
$releaser = new \Releaser\Releaser('55b48e382257a...', 'gundars');
$releaser->release('releaser', 'gundars', [], 'minor', 'dev-master', 'sandbox');


First Header Sample Description
$token 'a0bc9q42g3f4asd' Github API token
$owner 'github-account' Name of the github repo owner that is being released
$repository 'reponame' Name of the github repository that is being released
$whitelistDepCommonNames ['goodrepoprefix'] All dependencies with this in their name wil lbe released, can be same as $owner or empty
$blacklistDepCommonNames ['badrepoprefix'] All dependencies with these strings in their name will be ignored, [] by default
$type 'major' Type of release (major 1.0.0, minor 1.1.0 (default), patch 1.1.1)
$sourceRef 'master' Source repository release base - tag, branch, or release. Default - master
$mode 'interactive' 'interactive' - ask for input, then release (default), 'sandbox' - show what would be released, 'noninteractive' - release without prompting user confirmation

###Releasing a repository via CLI or web To run via bash, execute ./cli/, define params there To run via browser, execute php ./cli/release.php using cli args or $_GET or $_POST parameters

###Currently known issues, unimplemented features, garbage

  • option to force release on unchanged repos for stability
  • option to release require-dev dependencies
  • replace err and msg with proper 7 tier logger interface
  • replace internal errors with exceptions
  • finish grouping OOP for Gods sake
  • DI needs fixing ASAP