
A library to debug php on javascript console, to not mess with front while debugging

v0.7 2023-02-27 13:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 13:21:18 UTC


An easy to use php library to show log on js console Debug php without broking your front


composer require guilhem/js-log


JsLog is a minimalist library allowing you to put debug message along your code.

  1. Import the package in your code:
use JsLog\JsLog;

// Generate an instance like this
$jslog = JsLog::getInstance();
  1. Use it
// Use it from the instance
$jslog->log('Your log');

// Or use it without instance
JsLog::getInstance()->msg('Success message !');

// Render error
$jslog->err('Error triggered...');
  1. Custom renderer

Jslog allow you to render your message with css via a custom function:

// Render a custom message, with customm CSS
	"[CUSTOM DEBUG]\n", "color:orange",
	"Whouhou it worked\n", "color:red;border:1px solid red;",
	"Whouhou it worked\n", "color:darkgrey;font-weight:800;",
	"..Debug stop..\n", "color:blue;font-weight:bold"
  1. See messages

Into your web browser watch the javascript console

  1. When debug messages are sent ?

If you pass the True args at the construction Jslog will send debug only when output buffering have started. Else, message will be put in a FIFO array. The queue of messages will be flushed at the next call of a log function or at the end of the script. Else, it will send debug message directly when called


Here is the results of the following script:

use JsLog\JsLog;

// By adding True jsLog will wait until headers has been sent (relying on ob if activated else `headers_sent` function)
// By default, it is called with none, and will log as soon as called :D
JsLog::getInstance(True)->log('Hey from javascript console before headers was sent');
echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>";

$jslog = JsLog::getInstance();

$jslog->msg("A message from PHP display in js console");
$jslog->err("Error here: \"" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '"');
	"[CUSTOM DEBUG]\n", "color:orange",
	"Whouhou it worked\n", "color:red;border:1px solid red;",
	"Whouhou it worked\n", "color:darkgrey;font-weight:800;",
	"..Debug stop..\n", "color:blue;font-weight:bold"
echo "</body></html>";

Inside the javascript console: