gubler/daux-parsedown-generator generator to use Parsedown instead of CommonMark

v0.4.3 2017-09-16 16:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 02:12:06 UTC


This processor uses Parsedown Extra when generating a site with

Additionally it converts specifically formatted blockquotes to callouts.


vendor/bin/daux --processor=ParsedownProcessor


If you format the a blockquote in the following manner you can create a callout:

> #### Type::Title 
> Callout Body 
> ####

The rendered html will be formatted like this:

<div class="callout callout-type">
    <div class="callout-header">Title</div>
    <div class="callout-body">
        <p>Callout Body</p>

Any value can be entered for Type. The Type will always be converted to the class callout-type.


> #### Alert::This is how you enter things! 
> This can contian any valid _markdown_.
> Just like a normal blockquote.
> ####

The rendered html will be formatted like this:

<div class="callout callout-alert">
    <div class="callout-header">Alert: This is how you enter things!</div>
    <div class="callout-body">
        <p>This can contain any valid <em>markdown</em>.</p>
        <p>Just like a normal blockquote.</p>

If no Title is provided, the Header will just contain the Type.


> #### Warning:: 
> A warning you should be aware of.
> ####

The rendered html will be formatted like this:

<div class="callout callout-warning">
    <div class="callout-header">Warning</div>
    <div class="callout-body">
        <p>A warning you should be aware of.</p>

Callout Styles

In the less directory you will find a basic styles. The less is modified from Bootstrap's alerts and contains styles for:

  • success (green)
  • note (blue)
  • alert (red)
  • warning (yellow)
  • default (grey) - matches all other callouts that aren't success, note, alert, or warning.