
Adds user badges to your Flarum community

1.0 2024-03-21 17:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-21 17:45:56 UTC


This Flarum extension will bring user badges to your forum. Reward your users with badges.

This is a extension based on flarum-user-badges.


If you like to install this extension, run the following command:

composer require gtdxyz/flarum-ext-badges


Run the following command on your server to update the plugin

composer update gtdxyz/flarum-ext-badges


  • Create badge categories
  • Create badges
  • Add badges to users
  • Add badge earning reason
  • User badges page
  • Public badge list page
  • Received new badge notification


  • User primary badge (next to name)
  • Show Badge in dicussion page
  • integrate with gtdxyz/flarum-ext-money-plus, auto give badge when meet money
  • Animation badge

🖼️ Screenshots

User Badges list

User Badges list

Public badges overview

Public badges overview

Public badge detail page

Public badge detail page

Public badge detail page

Admin badge management

Admin badge management

Managing badges

Admin badge management

Admin badge management