
Painlessly generates PHP models/entities from existing MySQL database

v0.7 2019-12-06 08:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 19:31:46 UTC


Painlessly generates PHP models/entities from existing MySQL database!

Run a simple command and you'll get:

  • one pretty model class for each table in your db
  • automatic singular class names
  • automatic camelCasing
  • private props with lightweight getters and setters

How to install

In your web folder run:

composer create-project gsylvestre/php-models-generator

How to use

Inside your new php-models-generator directory, execute:

php generate models

and follow the wizard for setting up database connection...

If you need to change database connection infos, edit the generated config.ini file.

Enjoy and big up to Y!