
A ready-to-use web installation based on CodeIgniter, including an auth module, a CRUDL system, an html5 layout.

dev-master 2014-12-03 13:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 01:31:35 UTC


A ready-to-use web installation based on CodeIgniter, including an auth module, a CRUDL system, an html5 layout.



  1. Unzip the package and upload all files and folders to your server, or if you are using Composer you can launch:

    $ composer create-project groucho75/ci_html5_auth_crud my_project -s dev
  2. Create a database and set connection settings in application/config/database.php

  3. Create and populate standard database tables using sql scripts inside application/sql, usually: ci.sql, ion_auth.sql, crud.sql

  4. Edit minimal configurations in main index.php (more configs in application/config folder)

  5. Visit the home and enjoy it

  6. To enter the reserved area login as: / password

  7. You can add packages loaded via Composer: here is a wiki page.


  • Use Bootstrap 3 theme in Grocery CRUD.

Donations are welcome

If you like my hard work, of course you can donate some money to me.

And don't forget to donate something also to the authors of original libraries (see above for repo and links).