
Plugin to auto-add package config settings to an application level settings file.

v1.0.5-stable 2023-06-09 10:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 12:51:27 UTC


The grotthecheat/yaml-config-package-installer-plugin package is composer plugin that can be used to build a centralised application configuration file, from config files that are included in subcomponent packages.

By including a config.yaml file like the example below in the root of a package, when required the plugin looks for this file and, if found, copies the defined settings into a centralised config file.

vendor: grotthecheat
package: mysql
    - server
    - port
    - schema
    - username
    - password

This example will be transferred into the application config as:

        server: null
        port: null
        schema: null
        username: null
        password: null

By default, the application config is located in the level above the vendor directory, which typically is the root folder of the application, however if this is not the case then a specific location can be added by adding an extra section to your projects composer.json file.

"extra" : {
    "yaml-config-application-config": "../folder/application_config.yaml"

NOTE: This custom path for the application config is relative to the composer vendor directory.