
Artisan commands to manage easily cache items

v1.0.0 2017-03-02 14:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-10-31 06:35:33 UTC


Laravel Cache Commands is a set of Artisan Commands to manage the cache items directly from your CLI, enabling you to retrieve, store or remove keys.


Cache Commands is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


To get started with Cache Commands, use Composer to add the package to your project's dependencies:

composer require grork/laravel-cache-commands

After this, register the Grork\CacheCommands\CacheCommandsServiceProvider in your config/app.php configuration file:

'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...




To retrieve an item from the cache, you can use the command php artisan cache:get <key> [<store>].

Key is the item key.
Store (optional) is the store from which you want to retrieve it.

Retrieve item from cache: success

Retrieve item from cache: error

Retrieve array from cache


To store an item, you can use the command php artisan cache:store <key> <value> [<expiration>] [<store>]. If an item already exists in cache, you will be prompted if you want to overwrite it. Currently arrays and objects are no supported for store action.

Key is the item key.
Value is the value. It supports strings, numbers and booleans. At this time, no array or object are supported.
Duration (optional) is the duration of the item in minutes (i.e. if you want item for an hour, this will be 60). Otherwise, you can pass forever as value to store it with no expiration. Default value: 60
Store (optional) is the store from which you want to retrieve it.

Store item with default expiration

Store item forever

Store item with overwrite prompt: no

Store item with overwrite prompt: yes


To forget an item, you can use the command php artisan cache:forget <key> [<store>].

Key is the item key.
Store (optional) is the store from which you want to retrieve it.

Forget item from cache