
MailJet Mailer transporter for cakePHP3.

1.1.0 2020-06-17 06:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-17 15:04:42 UTC


CakePHP 3 MailJet MailerTransport

This plugin provides a simple MailJet Transport for use with cakePHP 3.

How To Use

It is recommended to use cakePHPs Mailer classes. At first add the MailJetTransport to your app.php

'EmailTransport' => [
        'default' => [
            'className' => 'gringlas\MailJetTransport\Mailer\MailJetTransport',

Also add your credentials to your app.php

     * MailJet credentials
     * - key - MailJet Api key
     * - 'secret' - MailJet Api secret
     * - mailJetKeyInTemplateVars - if set to true templateVars from MailJet key will be taken and sent to MailJet,
     * otherwise send complete templateVars
    'MailJet' => [
        'key' => '1231sdasd',
        'secret' => 'asdasd123123',
        'mailJetKeyInTemplateVars' => false

To log responses from mailJet api please add logger to app.php

* logging mailJet messages
'mailJet' => [
    'className' => 'Cake\Log\Engine\FileLog',
    'path' => LOGS,
    'file' => 'mailJet',
    'url' => env('LOG_JETQUERIES_URL', null),
    'scopes' => ['mailJet']

In your email profiles use TemplateID for the MailJet transactional template.

If you using Email in app.php :

'Email' => [

    'passwordreset' => [
        'TemplateID' => 1234,
        'subject' => 'Password Reset'

You can also add the TemplateID directly in a Mailer by calling setProfile(). If mailJetKeyInTemplateVars is set, provode template vars with setViewVars() in MailJet key, otherwise simply all vars will be sent to MailJet:

public function passwordreset() {
    return $this
            'TemplateID' => 1234
            'newPassword' => 'a192ja',
            'MailJet' => [
                'newPassword' => 'a192ja'
        ->setSubject('Password reset');

Only TemplateVariables are getting sent to MailJet API. Subject, from, ... are all have to get configured in MailJet Templates. So you can easily switch back to cakePHPs default MailTransport.