
A PHP library for interacting with the philips hue API

dev-master 2021-06-10 12:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 20:02:25 UTC



I wrote this library to solve an issue I was having with writing a personal app, it provides a quick and easy way to interact with the philips hue api. Currently only supports local connection.


This library currently only works with lights and bridges connected on the local network, I am working to get this to work with the global system.


Using Composer

Download the library by using the composer require command:

composer require gregs-grog/php-hue-niverse

All dependencies will be installed alongside the library.

Getting started

A simple example of setup that uses the symfony http client as the client that is passed to the client constructor. The class then uses this client to call the api. The class is compatible with PSR 7 clients.

require './vendor/autoload.php';
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;

$httpClient = HttpClient::create(); //creates http client the hui api
    $auth = \PHPHue\PHPHue::authorise($httpClient); //Sends an authorisation request to the API and returns the bridge IP and a username, keep this safe.
    echo $auth;

    $hue = new PHPHue\PHPHue($httpClient, "Your ID from auth function"); //pass the username collected from the above request and send it to the class contructor.

    print_r($hue->toggle_light("1")); //toggle light with ID 1
}catch(Exception $e){
echo $e;

How to find your hue bridge IP and create a username

Other examples of API calls

This library is still in progress, so some calls are missing or still being implemented.

$hue->set_light_colour($light_id, $light_sat, $light_bri, $light_hue);
$hue->rename_light($light_id, $light_name);
$hue->light_alert($light_id); //flashes the selected light ID once to show selection

$hue->create_group($light_id_array, $group_name, $light_type, $room_type);
$hue->rename_group($group_id, $group_name);
