
A simple, powerful PHP class for parsing, validating, and comparing semantic version strings.

0.8.0 2025-03-06 13:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 13:18:25 UTC


A simple yet powerful library for parsing, validating, comparing, and manipulating semantic version strings in PHP. It also includes flexible support for version constraints (e.g., ^1.2.3, >=1.0.0 <2.0.0) to check whether a particular version satisfies one or more complex conditions.


composer require gregpriday/php-version


This library offers:

  • Strict or Loose Parsing of version strings (e.g. "1.2.3", "v1.2.3", "1.2", "1").
  • Version Object to access and modify version components (major, minor, patch, pre-release, and build metadata).
  • SemVer Checks to see if a version is stable or a pre-release.
  • Version Bumping/Lowering (increment/decrement major, minor, patch) including preserving or clearing pre-release/build metadata.
  • Constraint Parsing and Evaluation using a fluent, chainable syntax with logical AND and OR conditions.

Basic Usage Example

Below is a quick snapshot of how you might use the library to parse a version, check its properties, bump the version, and validate it against constraints.

use GregPriday\Version\Version;
use GregPriday\Version\Constraint\VersionConstraintParser;

// 1. Create a version object (strict mode by default).
$version = new Version('1.2.3-beta');

// 2. Inspect the version
echo "Major: " . $version->getMajor() . "\n";       // 1
echo "Minor: " . $version->getMinor() . "\n";       // 2
echo "Patch: " . $version->getPatch() . "\n";       // 3
echo "Pre-release: " . $version->getPreRelease() . "\n"; // beta

// 3. Check stability
if ($version->isStable()) {
    echo "Version is stable.\n";
} else {
    echo "Version is not stable.\n";

// 4. Bump the version (bump minor, reset patch to 0, remove pre-release)
$bumped = $version->bumpMinor();
echo "Bumped Version: " . $bumped->getExtraInfo()['version'] . "\n"; // "1.3.0"

// 5. Parse constraints and check if a version satisfies them
$parser = new VersionConstraintParser();
$rangeSet = $parser->parseConstraints('>=1.0.0 <2.0.0 || ^3.0.0');

if ($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy($bumped)) {
    echo $bumped->getExtraInfo()['version']." satisfies the constraint.\n";
} else {
    echo $bumped->getExtraInfo()['version']." does not satisfy the constraint.\n";

Creating and Inspecting Versions

Strict vs. Loose Parsing

  • Strict mode (default): Expects full major.minor.patch (optionally -preRelease and/or +buildMetadata). Examples of valid strict versions:
    • 1.0.0
    • 0.9.5-alpha+build.1
  • Loose mode: More lenient. Accepts shorter forms and can include a leading v. Examples of acceptable loose versions:
    • v1.2.3
    • 1.2 (interpreted as 1.2.0)
    • 1 (interpreted as 1.0.0)
// Strict mode (throws InvalidArgumentException if invalid)
$strictVersion = new Version('1.2.3'); 

// Loose mode
$looseVersion = new Version('v1.2', null, false);
// Internally becomes 1.2.0

Accessing Components

$version = new Version('1.2.3-alpha+build.123');

// Basic components
echo $version->getMajor();      // 1
echo $version->getMinor();      // 2
echo $version->getPatch();      // 3

// Pre-release and build metadata
echo $version->getPreRelease();    // alpha
echo $version->getBuildMetadata(); // build.123

// Extra info array (includes stability check)
$info = $version->getExtraInfo();
    [version] => 1.2.3-alpha+build.123
    [major] => 1
    [minor] => 2
    [patch] => 3
    [pre_release] => alpha
    [build_metadata] => build.123
    [is_stable] => 

Stability and Pre-Release Checks

$version = new Version('1.0.0-rc1');
if ($version->isStable()) {
    // Major >= 1 and no pre-release
    echo "Stable release.\n";
} else {
    echo "Not stable.\n"; // This will run in this example

if ($version->isPreRelease()) {
    echo "It's a pre-release!\n"; // True for "1.0.0-rc1"

Bumping and Lowering Version Numbers

The VersionBumpingTrait gives you methods to increment or decrement specific parts of a version. Each method returns a new Version instance. By default, these operations clear pre-release and build metadata, but you can preserve them if you wish.

Bumping (Incrementing)

$version = new Version('1.2.3-beta+build.123');

// Bump Major: becomes 2.0.0 (clears pre-release & build by default)
$bumpedMajor = $version->bumpMajor();
echo $bumpedMajor->getExtraInfo()['version']; // 2.0.0

// Bump Minor but preserve pre-release and build metadata
$bumpedMinor = $version->bumpMinor(true, true);
echo $bumpedMinor->getExtraInfo()['version']; // 1.3.0-beta+build.123

// Bump Patch: 1.2.4 (default clears pre-release and build)
$bumpedPatch = $version->bumpPatch();
echo $bumpedPatch->getExtraInfo()['version']; // 1.2.4

// Bump (or set) Pre-release: 
// - If no pre-release, sets the given identifier. 
// - If pre-release is something like "beta.1", it increments the last number.
$newPre = $version->bumpPreRelease('alpha', true);
echo $newPre->getExtraInfo()['version']; // "1.2.3-beta.1+build.123"

Lowering (Decrementing)

You can similarly reduce major, minor, or patch. By default, these also clear pre-release/build metadata, unless you preserve them.

$version = new Version('2.3.4-beta+build.456');

// Lower Major, resetting minor/patch, discarding pre-release/build
$loweredMajor = $version->lowerMajor(true, true);
echo $loweredMajor->getExtraInfo()['version']; // "1.0.0"

// Lower Minor, preserving pre-release
$loweredMinor = $version->lowerMinor(false, true);
echo $loweredMinor->getExtraInfo()['version']; // "2.2.4-beta"

// Lower Patch, preserving build metadata
$loweredPatch = $version->lowerPatch(false, true);
echo $loweredPatch->getExtraInfo()['version']; // "2.3.3+build.456"

Note: Lowering a 0 major/minor/patch throws an exception, since negative version segments are invalid.

Parsing and Evaluating Constraints

The library can parse powerful OR and AND constraints using the VersionConstraintParser. This enables checks such as >=1.0.0 <2.0.0 || ^3.0.0.


  • Basic: >, >=, <, <=, =, ==, !, !=
  • Caret ^: e.g. ^1.2.3 means >=1.2.3 and <2.0.0 (for 1.x versions)
  • Tilde ~: e.g. ~1.2.3 means >=1.2.3 and <1.3.0

Combining Constraints

  • AND: Use space or commas. For example:
    >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
    >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
    This means the version must satisfy both constraints.
  • OR: Split with ||. For example:
    ^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0
    Means the version must satisfy either ^1.0.0 or ^2.0.0.

Example: Parsing Constraints

use GregPriday\Version\Constraint\VersionConstraintParser;
use GregPriday\Version\Version;

$parser = new VersionConstraintParser();

// Single constraint
$rangeSet = $parser->parseConstraints('>=1.2.3');
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('1.2.3'))); // true
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('1.2.2'))); // false

// Multiple (AND) constraints
$rangeSet = $parser->parseConstraints('>=1.0.0 <2.0.0');
// This means: version >= 1.0.0 AND version < 2.0.0
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('1.5.0'))); // true
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('2.1.0'))); // false

// OR constraints
$rangeSet = $parser->parseConstraints('^1.0.0 || ~2.0.0');
// This means: (version in ^1.0.0) OR (version in ~2.0.0)
// ^1.0.0 = >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
// ~2.0.0 = >=2.0.0 <2.1.0
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('1.9.9'))); // true
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('2.0.5'))); // true
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('2.1.0'))); // false

// Negation examples
$rangeSet = $parser->parseConstraints('!=1.0.0');
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('1.0.0'))); // false
var_dump($rangeSet->isSatisfiedBy(new Version('1.0.1'))); // true


To run the test suite, clone this repository (or have it locally) and install dev dependencies:

composer install

Then run:


This runs the PHPUnit tests under tests/.

Code Formatting

A Laravel Pint configuration is included for formatting. To format the code:

composer format


This project is open source under the MIT license.