
v1.0.1 2022-10-07 20:40 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-08 00:01:23 UTC


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на русском

MongoModel allows you to conveniently work with MongoDB documents, as with objects.


  • typification of properties
  • required properties
  • default values
  • history of changes
  • operations with objects

MongoModel work with MongoDB PHP Library

Getting Started


Install this package through Composer. Edit require in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "grefon/mongo-model": "*"

and run composer update


run this command in your command line:

composer require grefon/mongo-model

Initialization of connection

// Loading composer
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoModel\MongoDB;

// Initialization of connection to MongoDB
 * @param Client $client - MongoDB Client
 * @param string $base   - name of base
 * @param bool   $debug  - debug
MongoDB::init(new Client('mongodb://'), 'baseName', true);

The MongoDB class with debugging enabled will log requests and their status to the MongoDB::$trace.

Your first model

Create collection users in MongoDB.

Create new PHP Class User extends ModelMongoDB:

use MongoModel\ModelMongoDB;

 * User Class
 * @property string  userId
 * @property string  surname
 * @property string  name
 * @property string  email
 * @property int     rating
 * @property boolean ban
 * @property string  timeCreate
 * @property string  timeUpdate
class User extends ModelMongoDB

    static protected $collection;
    static public    $collectionName = 'users';
    static public    $primaryKey     = 'userId';

    static public    $fieldsModel    = [
        'userId'      => ['string'],
        'surname'     => ['string'],
        'name'        => ['string', 'required'],
        'email'       => ['string'],
        'rating'      => ['int', 'default' => 0],
        'ban'         => ['boolean', 'default' => false],
        'timeCreate'  => ['datetime', 'timeCreate'],
        'timeUpdate'  => ['datetime', 'timeUpdate']


Each model class must extend ModelMongoDB. It must contain 4 main static variables:

  • $collection - this variable will store an instance \MongoDB\Collection
  • $collectionName - collection name in MongoDB
  • $primaryKey - primary key name instead of _id
  • $fieldsModel - array of model fields (object properties)


In $fieldsModel the data model is described as an associative array. The key is the name of the object's property, the value is an array of the property's attributes.

The first value in an attribute array must always be the data type.

Type Description
string string
boolean or bool boolean true or false
int number
float floating point number
datetime in PHP will be a string (2022-10-03 11:27:15), and MongoDB will store the timestamp ISODate
array array
object object; in PHP it is stdClass
history array with history of changes

When data is loaded from MongoDB or saved, object properties will be typification.

All subsequent attributes in the array are free, but some of them are reserved:

Attribute Description
required Required object property. If the property value is not specified, then when trying to save the data throw new Exception
default Default value. For example: 'rating' => ['int', 'default' => 100]
timeCreate Can only be used on the datetime type. Sets the current time if is new object.
timeUpdate Can only be used on the datetime type. Sets the current time each time an object is saved by a method save().
onlyCreation Creates a variable in the MongoDB document on first save and no longer updates the data in it. Useful when the data in this property is updated in a third party process by direct requests.
hidden Hide a property on a method getArray
history Write changes to this property to history.
historyPrepare Specifies the method to check if the property has changed.
historyValue Specifies a method that returns the standardized property value for history.

Creating a new object

Example: examples/new.php

$user = new User(['name' => 'Will', 'surname' => 'Smith']);


$user = new User;
$user->name = 'Will';
$user->surname = 'Smith';


$user = new User;
$user->save(['name' => 'Will', 'surname' => 'Smith']);


$user = User::new(['name' => 'Will', 'surname' => 'Smith'], false);

Each of these examples will create a new document in MongoDB:

    "_id" : ObjectId("63399434089c8c26344ff2df"),
    "surname" : "Smith",
    "name" : "Will",
    "email" : null,
    "rating" : NumberInt(0),
    "ban" : false,
    "timeCreate" : ISODate("2022-10-02T13:37:56.000+0000"),
    "timeUpdate" : ISODate("2022-10-02T13:37:56.000+0000")

It is also possible to create documents with your own ID:

$userID = User::new(['userId' => 'user123', 'name' => 'Bob', 'rating' => 15]);
    "_id" : "user123",
    "surname" : null,
    "name" : "Bob",
    "email" : null,
    "rating" : NumberInt(15),
    "ban" : false,
    "timeCreate" : ISODate("2022-10-02T13:38:51.000+0000"),
    "timeUpdate" : ISODate("2022-10-02T13:38:51.000+0000")

If the ID is 24 characters long, then an attempt will be made to convert the string to ObjectId.

In the static method User::new(array $data, bool $returnID = true) the data array is passed as the first argument, the second - whether only the ID of the created document or the entire instance of the object should be returned; $returnID = false - return the entire object.

Operations with an object



Example: examples/get.php


$user = User::get('63399434089c8c26344ff2df');

By properties

$user = User::get(['name' => 'Bob', 'rating' => ['$gte' => 10]]);

When loading by properties, a check is made for the existence of the required fields name and rating in $fieldsModel. It is possible to search by internal properties if there is a dot in the key:

$user = User::get(['phones.number' => 123456789);

You can also search MongoDB syntax if the key starts with $:

// The first found document with a rating less than zero or banned will be returned
$user = User::get(['$or' => [['rating' => ['$lt' => 0]], ['ban' => true]]]);

If the document is not found in MongoDB User::get will return null.

Method save

save(array $data = null)

Example: examples/save.php

The method saves the current object instance to a MongoDB document. Only changed properties are sent to the database.

if ($user = User::get('63399434089c8c26344ff2df')) {

    $user->rating = '20'; // string will be converted to int
    $user->save(['email' => '']);
    "_id" : ObjectId("63399434089c8c26344ff2df"),
    "surname" : "Smith",
    "name" : "Will",
    "email" : "",
    "rating" : NumberInt(20),
    "ban" : false,
    "timeCreate" : ISODate("2022-10-02T13:37:56.000+0000"),
    "timeUpdate" : ISODate("2022-10-02T14:12:02.000+0000")

If the object is updated and not created for the first time, then properties with the onlyCreation attribute are ignored, while those with the history attribute are checked for changes and written to the history.

Method saveField

saveField(string $field, $value = '__EMPTY__')

Example: examples/save.php

Store in MongoDB only one property of the current object.

Light saving method. History of changes is not created. The timeUpdate property is not updated automatically.

$user->email = '';
$user->rating = 50;


$user->email = '';
$user->saveField('rating', 50);

Even though you have changed email its new value will not be written to MongoDB. Only the rating value will be saved to the database.

Method saveFields

saveFields($fields = null)

Example: examples/save.php

Save only specific properties of the current object to MongoDB.

Light saving method. History of changes is not created. The timeUpdate property is not updated automatically.

$user->surname = 'TEST';
$user->email = '';
$user->rating = 50;

// Saves only rating

// Saves only rating and email
$user->saveFields(['rating', 'email']);

In your own methods of the User class, you can append to the protected changedFields array:

class User extends ModelMongoDB

    // ..............................

    function changeEmail(string $email) {
        $this->email = $email;
        $this->changedFields[] = 'email';
        return $this;
    function resetRating() {
        $this->rating = 0;
        $this->changedFields[] = 'rating';
        return $this;

if ($user = User::get('63399434089c8c26344ff2df')) {

    if (!empty($_POST['email'])) {
        // Change email
    // Reset the rating and save the changed object properties in MongoDB


Method delete


Example: examples/delete.php

Delete a document from MongoDB.

if ($user = User::get('63399434089c8c26344ff2df')) {



Method getArray

getArray($includeField = null, bool $skipHidden = true)

Example: examples/getArray.php

if ($user = User::get('63399434089c8c26344ff2df')) {

    'userId'      => '63399434089c8c26344ff2df',
    'surname'     => 'Smith',
    'name'        => 'Will',
    'email'       => null,
    'rating'      => 0,
    'ban'         => false,
    'timeCreate'  => '2022-10-02 13:37:56',
    'timeUpdate'  => '2022-10-02 13:37:56'

The getArray method by default does not return properties that have hidden in the $fieldsModel. You can disable this by passing $skipHidden = false.


You can pass a single attribute or an array of attributes that are specified for properties in $fieldsModel. For example:

// Will return only properties that have required in their attributes

// Will return only properties that have card and short in their attributes
$user->getArray(['card', 'short']);

Loading with cache


Example: examples/getFromCache.php

When loading with caching, the object instance is stored in memory and when reloading, there is no call to MongoDB. As in the get() method, you can load by ID or properties.

Useful when working with an object in different parts of the code.

$userId = '63399434089c8c26344ff2df';
$email = $_POST['email'] ?? null;
$name = $_POST['name'] ?? null;
// ...................................

// In the first section of code
if ($email) {

    $user = User::getFromCache($userId);
    $user->email = $email;


// ...................................

// In the second section of code
if ($name) {

    $user = User::getFromCache($userId);
    $user->name = $name;


// ...................................
if ($email or $name) {



Operations with objects

Method itemsGet

YourModelClass::itemsGet($data = null, $fields = null, $orderBy = null, $limited = null, array $settings = [])

Example: examples/itemsGet.php

Find documents in MongoDB and return an array of object instances or their defined properties.

Search data


  • null - search without conditions in all documents
  • string or int - search by ID
  • array - an array of IDs or an associative array of properties
// Returns an array of all documents

// Returns an array with documents that have _id = 26

// Returns an array with documents that have _id = user_12

// Returns an array with documents that have _id = ObjectId("63399434089c8c26344ff2df")

// Returns an array with documents that have _id = user_12 or ObjectId("63399434089c8c26344ff2df")
User::itemsGet(['user_12', '63399434089c8c26344ff2df']); 

// Returns an array with documents that have name = Will and surname = Smith
User::itemsGet(['name' => 'Will', 'surname' => 'Smith']);

The search works in the same way as on the get() method, but the result is always an array with all found documents.

Return fields


If $fields = null then itemsGet will return an array of object instances. With each instance, you can perform the same actions as if it were processed after loading.

foreach (User::itemsGet(['rating' => ['$lt' => 10]], null) as $user) {

    $user->rating += 5;


If a property is passed to $fields as a string, then an associative array with the specified property will be returned as a result of itemsGet.

foreach (User::itemsGet(['name' => 'Will'], 'rating') as $userId => $rating) {


If you pass an array of properties to $fields, then an associative array will be returned to the itemsGet result, where the key will be _id, and the value stdClass with the specified fields.

foreach (User::itemsGet(['name' => 'Will'], ['name', 'surname', 'rating']) as $userId => $item) {

    echo $item->name . ' ' . $item->surname . ' has a rating ' . $item->rating;
    // Will Smith has a rating 10
    // Will Duk has a rating 7
    // ..........




Specify the field by which you want to sort documents when searching.

// Ascending
User::itemsGet(['name' => 'Will'], null, 'rating');

// Descending
User::itemsGet(['name' => 'Will'], null, ['rating', 'DESC']);



Specify the number of documents to be searched and the indent (skip and limit).

// Returns the first 10 documents found
User::itemsGet(null, null, null, 10);

// Returns the found document from 21 to 30
User::itemsGet(null, null, null, [20, 10]);

Request settings


Settings for searching in MongoDB. For example, you can suggest an index:

User::itemsGet(['name' => 'Will'], null, 'rating', 10, ['hint' => 'index_name_rating']);

Also in the settings you can pass more complex conditions for sorting by several fields.

Method itemsHas

YourModelClass::itemsHas($data = null)

Example: examples/itemsHas.php

Check if documents exist in the collection according to given conditions.

In $data is passed search data, as in the itemsGet method.

Returns true or false.

if (User::itemsHas(['email' => ''])) {
    die('Email busy');


Method itemsCount

YourModelClass::itemsCount($data = null, array $settings = [])

Example: examples/itemsCount.php

Returns the number of documents matching the query.

In $data is passed search data, as in the itemsGet method.

In $settings - request-settings

// How many documents have a 'rating' greater than 100
echo User::itemsCount(['rating' => ['$gt' => 100]]);

// We suggest the index and count up to a maximum of 20
echo User::itemsCount(['rating' => ['$gt' => 100]], ['hint' => 'my_index', 'limit' => 20]);

Method itemsDelete

YourModelClass::itemsDelete($data = null)

Example: examples/itemsDelete.php

Removes all documents matching the query from the collection.

In $data is passed search data, as in the itemsGet method.

Returns the number of deleted documents.

// Delete all documents with 'rating' property less than zero
echo User::itemsDelete(['rating' => ['$lt' => 0]]);

Method itemsNew

YourModelClass::itemsNew(array $items, bool $returnID = true)

Example: examples/itemsNew.php

Creates several objects and inserts insertMany into MongoDB.

The method is similar YourModelClass::new(), with the only difference that the first argument is an array of data arrays.

Returns array of IDs of created objects, or array of objects (if $returnID = false).

$newUsersID = User::itemsNew(
            'name'   => 'Ben',
            'rating' => 77
            'name'    => 'Robin',
            'surname' => 'Collins'

History of changes

When an object is saved using the save() method, a history of changes is created. The history is written to an object property of type history. Properties that have history in their attributes are checked for change.

class User extends ModelMongoDB

    // ..............................

    static public $fieldsModel = [
        'userId'  => ['string'],
        'surname' => ['string'],                                          // DO NOT track changes
        'name'    => ['string', 'required'],                              // DO NOT track changes
        'email'   => ['string', 'history'],                               // Tracking changes
        'phones'  => ['array', 'history',                                 // Tracking changes
                      'historyPrepare' => 'historyPrepareArray:number', 
                      'historyValue' => 'historyValuePhones'
        'history' => ['history']                                          // History array


If the properties of an object with the history attribute have changed, then an entry will be added to the history array with the date of the change and a changes object listing all the changed properties. Each property is an array with two elements array(old value, new value).

    "datetime" : "2022-10-05 17:48:41",
    "changes" : {
        "phones" : [
            ["(+1) 555331188"]
        "email" : [

Attribute historyPrepare

In the historyPrepare attribute, you can specify your method, which will be used to compare old value === new value.

Besides comparing simple data types (string, int, float, bool) there are 2 methods:

  • historyPrepareArray to compare arrays
  • historyPrepareObject to compare objects

Your own method from the historyPrepare attribute and to the historyPrepareArray and historyPrepareObject methods will be passed two values:

  1. value to be standardized somehow
  2. an optional variable from the attribute value after the colon. For example, number will be passed to 'historyPrepare' => 'historyPrepareArray:number'

Let's imagine that the user has a phones property - it's an array of stdClass objects with phones:

        "code" : 1,
        "phone" : 555331188,
        "number" : 1555331188,
        "formatted" : "(+1) 555331188",
        "timeAdd" : "2022-10-05 17:48:41"
        "code" : 12,
        "phone" : 7774477,
        "number" : 127774477,
        "formatted" : "(+1) 7774477",
        "timeAdd" : "2022-10-05 19:31:02"

From the given example 'historyPrepare' => 'historyPrepareArray:number' the phone array will be compared by the number field. When saved, the historyPrepareArray method converts the comparison data to the string [127774477,1555331188]. The same conversion will be performed on data from snapshot after the last save. Further comparison and record in history if there are changes.

Attribute historyValue

Your custom method that will process and return the value to write to the history.

See example: examples/User.php

Method checkRecordHistory

checkRecordHistory(array $changes)

Returns true by default; If it returns false - the history of changes will not be added.

Called during save when the history of changes has already been compiled.

In $changes is passed current changes.

The method is useful if you need to keep a history of changes, but under some circumstances sometimes do not record it.

For example, you can check the size of the current history and not write more than 100 entries:

class User extends ModelMongoDB

    // ..............................

    protected function checkRecordHistory($changes) {

        return count($this->history) < 100;    


To help the developer


Method Description
afterCreate Called after class initialization in __construct.
afterLoad Called after loading data from MongoDB.
preSave Called before saving.
afterSave Called after saving. The method is passed an array of property names that have changed and been submitted to MongoDB.
class User extends ModelMongoDB

    // ..............................

    function afterLoad() {
        // If the rating in MongoDB was less than 500
        if (empty($this->rating) or $this->rating < 500) {
            $this->rating = 500;
    function preSave() {
        // If after all the manipulations the rating has become less than -100
        if ($this->rating < -100) {
            $this->ban = true;



getSnapshot($field) and getSnapshotUpdate($field)

After loading data from MongoDB, created a snapshot of current state. In the process, you may need to find out what data was in the database or since the last save.

if ($user = User::get('63399434089c8c26344ff2df')) {

    $user->name = 'Jack';
    echo $user->name; // Jack
    echo $user->getSnapshot('name'); // Will
    echo $user->getSnapshotUpdate('name'); // Will
    // Save name Jack
    $user->name = 'Bob';
    echo $user->name; // Bob
    echo $user->getSnapshot('name'); // Will
    echo $user->getSnapshotUpdate('name'); // Jack
    // Save name Dan
    $user->save(['name' => 'Dan']);
    $user->name = 'Test';
    echo $user->name; // Test
    echo $user->getSnapshot('name'); // Will
    echo $user->getSnapshotUpdate('name'); // Dan   

Method getCollection


Returns a MongoDB collection. Can be used for direct queries.

use MongoModel\MongoDB;

// Ban all users with a rating less than -100
MongoDB::execute(User::getCollection(), 'updateMany', [
    'rating' => ['$lt' => -100]
], [
    '$set' => [
        'ban' => true

Method collectionInfo

MongoDB::collectionInfo(string $collection)

Example: examples/collectionInfo.php

Returns information about the collection.

use MongoModel\MongoDB;

stdClass Object
    [count] => 27
    [storageSize] => 36864
    [indexSize] => 36864
    [indexCount] => 1
    [size] => 6189
    [avgObjSize] => 229