
Small extension to Symfony's HttpFoundation allowing decoupled, in-memory binary responses.

v0.1.0 2015-06-24 11:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 15:09:32 UTC


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BinaryResponse is a small extension to Symfony's HttpFoundation component, allowing for decoupled, in-memory binary responses. The BinaryResponse class behaves almost like the BinaryFileResponse class from HttpFoundation with its built-in support for range requests. Instead of a regular file though, it takes any object implementing the VirtualFileSource contract interface.

The InMemorySource provides a basic in-memory implementation of this contract:

use Graefe\Net\Http\BinaryResponse;
use Graefe\Net\Http\BinaryResponse\InMemorySource;

$source = new InMemorySource('Any binary data, maybe from a BLOB column.');
$response = new BinaryResponse($source);