gocoin / gocoin-php
PHP Library for GoCoin Payment Processing
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
- php: >=5.3.0
- ext-curl: *
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2023-01-08 20:25:22 UTC
A PHP client library for the GoCoin API. Recommended: PHP version >= 5.3
require_once(__DIR__.'/src/GoCoin.php'); //get exchange rates $exchange = GoCoin::getExchangeRates(); //get current user $user = GoCoin::getUser($token); ... //admin functions require_once(__DIR__.'/src/GoCoinAdmin.php'); //get a list of merchants (admin only function) $merchants = GoCoinAdmin::listMerchants($token); //NOTE: by default, the GoCoin class points to the development server //below is an example of how to switch to production mode //switch to production mode $mode = GoCoin::setApiMode('production'); //get an invoice (from production) $invoice = GoCoin::getInvoice($token,$invoice_id); ...
//return the exchange rates GoCoin::getExchangeRates() //return a url to redirect to request an authorization code, //used later for requesting a token GoCoin::requestAuthorizationCode($client_id, $client_secret, $scope, $redirect_uri=NULL) //return an access token given a previously requested authorization code GoCoin::requestAccessToken($client_id, $client_secret, $code, $redirect_uri=NULL)
//return a user given an id, or, the current user if id is not provided GoCoin::getUser($token,$id=NULL) //return an updated user, after applying updates GoCoin::updateUser($token,$user) //return the user appplications GoCoin::getUserApplications($token,$id) //return a boolean if the password was successfully updated GoCoin::updatePassword($token,$id,$password_array) //return a boolean if the reset password request went through GoCoin::resetPassword($token,$email) //return a boolean if the reset password with token request went through GoCoin::resetPasswordWithToken($token,$id,$reset_token,$password_array) //return a boolean if the request confirmation email request went through GoCoin::requestConfirmationEmail($token,$email) //return a boolean if the user confirm was successful GoCoin::confirmUser($token,$id,$confirm_token)
//return a merchant given an id GoCoin::getMerchant($token,$id) //return an updated merchant, after applying updates GoCoin::updateMerchant($token,$merchant) //return the result of requesting a payout GoCoin::requestPayout($token,$merchant_id,$amount,$currency='BTC') //return a list of merchant payouts given a payout id, or, all payouts if id is not provided GoCoin::getMerchantPayouts($token,$merchant_id,$payout_id=NULL) //return the result of requesting a currency conversion GoCoin::requestCurrencyConversion( $token,$merchant_id,$amount,$currency='BTC',$target='USD' ) //return a list of currency conversions given a conversion id, or, all conversions if id is not provided GoCoin::getCurrencyConversions($token,$merchant_id,$conversion_id=NULL)
Merchant Users
//return a list of merchant users given a merchant id GoCoin::getMerchantUsers($token,$merchant_id)
//return the result of creating an invoice GoCoin::createInvoice($token,$merchant_id,$invoice) //return an invoice by id GoCoin::getInvoice($token,$id) //return the invoices that match the given criteria GoCoin::searchInvoices($token,$criteria=NULL)
//return the accounts for a given merchant GoCoin::getAccounts($token,$merchant_id) //return the transactions that match the given criteria GoCoin::getAccountTransactions($token,$account_id,$criteria=NULL)
Admin Methods
//return a list of users GoCoinAdmin::listUsers($token) //return a created user GoCoinAdmin::createUser($token,$user) //return a boolean representing the successful delete of a user GoCoinAdmin::deleteUser($token,$id)
//return an array of merchants GoCoinAdmin::listMerchants($token) //return an array of merchants GoCoinAdmin::createMerchant($token,$merchant) //return a merchant object after deleting it GoCoinAdmin::deleteMerchant($token,$merchant_id)
Merchant Users
//return the result of adding a user to a merchant account GoCoinAdmin::addMerchantUser($token,$merchant_id,$user_id) //return the result of deleting a user from a merchant account GoCoinAdmin::deleteMerchantUser($token,$merchant_id,$user_id)
Running the unit tests
NOTE: ANT must be installed and on your PATH
NOTE: PHPUnit must be installed and on your PATH
NOTE: you may have to fill in the TEST_HOST and TEST_DASHBOARD_HOST constants in src/GoCoin.php
- execute the ANT target phpunit, ie: ant phpunit
NOTE: On the first execution, it will copy test/unit/config_test.php into test/unit/config.php. It will also run a minimal test that does NOT require any client id, secret, tokens, etc.
define the following variables in config.php:
NOTE: If you do not know the respective ids, you can use the API to get them
Change the constant MINIMAL_TEST to FALSE in test/unit/GoCoinTest.php
execute the ANT target phpunit, ie: ant phpunit
NOTE: To execute the full ANT script, for full continuous integration and static analysis, you must install all the PHP tools as listed here, ie: phpmd, phpDox, etc.
Copyright 2014 GoCoin Pte. Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.