
Router component

v3.1.0 2015-12-20 10:00 UTC


The purpose of routing is to map a URL to an array of data or to a callback, allowing to route the request to the correct resource. In an MVC context, this is typically a controller and a controller action.

There are two routers bundled by default:

  • Gobline\Router\LiteralRoute (with its i18n friend Gobline\Router\I18n\LiteralRoute)
  • Gobline\Router\PlaceHolderRoute (with its i18n friend Gobline\Router\I18n\PlaceHolderRoute)

The Router component allows to have your URLs translated in multiple languages, allowing to have more SEO- and user-friendly URLs.


The Literal route is for doing exact matching of the URI path.

$router = (new Gobline\Router\LiteralRoute('/user/profile')) // profile is the route name and /user/profile is the route to match
        'controller' => 'user',
        'action' => 'profile',

I18n LiteralRoute

$router = (new Gobline\Router\LiteralRoute('/user/profile'))
        'controller' => 'user',
        'action' => 'profile',
        'fr' => '/membre/profil',
        'nl' => '/gebruiker/profiel',


$router = (new Gobline\Router\PlaceHolderRoute('/user/:id(/)(/articles/:action(/))'))
        'controller' => 'articles',
        'action' => 'list',
        'id' => '[0-9]+',
        'action' => '[a-zA-Z]+',

I18n PlaceHolderRouter

$router = (new Gobline\Router\PlaceHolderRoute('/user/:id(/)(/articles/:action(/))'))
        'controller' => 'articles',
        'action' => 'list',
        'id' => '[0-9]+',
        'action' => '[a-zA-Z]+',
        'fr' => '/membre/:id(/)(/articles/:action(/))',
        'nl' => '/gebruiker/:id(/)(/artikelen/:action(/))',
        'placeholders' => [
            'action' => [
                'fr' => [
                    'list' => 'liste',
                'nl' => [
                    'list' => 'lijst',

Matching a URL to a Collection of Routes

$routeCollection = new Gobline\Router\RouteCollection();
    ->get(new Gobline\Router\LiteralRoute(/*...*/))
    ->post(new Gobline\Router\PlaceHolderRouter(/*...*/));

$requestMatcher = new Gobline\Router\RequestMatcher($routeCollection);
$routeData = $requestMatcher->match($request); // psr-7 server request

Generating a URL Based on Route Data

$uriBuilder = new Gobline\Router\UriBuilder($routerCollection);

$url = $uriBuilder->makeUrl(new Gobline\Router\RouteData('profile', ['id' => 42]));


You can install the Router component using the dependency management tool Composer. Run the require command to resolve and download the dependencies:

composer require gobline/router