
PHP 7 Code Generator

0.2.2 2022-07-07 17:52 UTC


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Class generator for PHP7 code. It will take care of indentation, use statements, php doc creation.


    "require": {
        "gm314/nitria": "*"


Create a class and set extends and implements

$classGenerator = new ClassGenerator("Generated\\MyClass", true);

// add extends statement, a use statement will be added automatically 

// add implement statement

// add a constant
$classGenerator->addConstant("CONSTANT_STRING", '"hello"');


Properties have a name, a type, a modifier and an optional default value. The example will generate a static private property with the name myName and the default value 19.08.

 $classGenerator->addProperty("myName","float","private", false, '19.08', 'doc bloc comment');

This will result in the following code

     * @var float doc bloc comment
    private $myName = 19.08;

Or you can use the short version for non static properties.

// add property (for classes use statement will be added - unless the class is in the same namespace)
$classGenerator->addPrivateProperty("iAmPrivat", 'MyPackage\MyClass');
$classGenerator->addProtectedProperty("iAmProtected", "array", []);
$classGenerator->addPublicProperty("iAmPublic", "float");

And for the static properties.

// add static property
$classGenerator->addPrivateStaticProperty("iAmPrivatStatic", "int");
$classGenerator->addProtectedStaticProperty("iAmProtectedStatic", "bool");
$classGenerator->addPublicStaticProperty("iAmPublicStatic", "array");


$method = $classGenerator->addPublicMethod("myFunction");
$method->addParameter("string", "parameterName", '"defaultValue!"');
$method->addParameter("\\DateTime", "datetime");

// the method will have a return type string that is not nullable
$method->setReturnType("string", false);
$method->addCodeLine('return $parameterName;');

the above code will generate the following method

 * @param string $parameterName
 * @param \DateTime $datetime
 * @return string
public function myFunction(string $parameterName = "defaultValue!", \DateTime $datetime) : string {
    return $parameterName;   
// method generation

// static method generation

Method Content generation


$method = $classGenerator->addPublicMethod("sayIf");
$method->addParameter("int", "intParam");
$method->setReturnType("int", false);

// add a simple line of code
$method->addCodeLine('return $intParam * $intParam;');

If Statement

$method = $classGenerator->addPublicMethod("sayIf");
$method->addParameter("int", "int");
$method->setReturnType("int", false);

// start if statement >> if ($int ===1) {
$method->addIfStart('$int === 1');
$method->addCodeLine('return 1;');

// add if else statement >> } else if ($int === 2) {
$method->addIfElseIf('$int === 2');
$method->addCodeLine('return 2;');

// add else statement >> } else {
$method->addCodeLine('return 3;');

// close if statement >> }

While Statement

$method = $classGenerator->addPublicMethod("sayWhile");
$method->addParameter("int", "int");
$method->setReturnType("string", false);

$method->addCodeLine('$string = "";');

// start while statement >> while($int++ < 10) {
$method->addWhileStart('$int++ < 10');
$method->addCodeLine('$string .= "x";');

// end while statement >> }
$method->addCodeLine('return $string;');

Foreach Statement

$method = $classGenerator->addPublicMethod("sayForeach");
$method->addParameter("array", "list");
$method->setReturnType("string", false);

$method->addCodeLine('$string = "";');

// start foreach >> foreach($list as $item) {
$method->addForeachStart('$list as $item');
$method->addCodeLine('$string .= $item;');

// end foreach >> }
$method->addCodeLine('return $string;');

Switch Statement

$method = $classGenerator->addPublicMethod("saySwitch");
$method->addParameter("string", "value");
$method->setReturnType("string", false);

// start switch statement >> switch($value) {

// case statement >> case "a":
$method->addCodeLine('return "a";');

// case break >> break;

// default >> default:
$method->addCodeLine('return "c";');


Tests / More examples

See under tests/End2End

  • GeneratorTest
  • CodeTest
