
Gluwa API v1 library for PHP

v1.1.0 2021-05-20 06:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 18:28:45 UTC


Dear users, Sandbox environment has been deprecated, please update your code to avoid any further errors

If your service is developed in PHP, the features we provide are available through the SDK. The Gluwa SDK for PHP is a library with powerful features that enable PHP developers to easily make requests to the Gluwa APIs.


v1.1.0 - Add support sNGNG (20/05/2021) v1.0.9 - Add support sUSDCG (01/06/2021)

Getting started

Download the PHP Package below and upload it to your server. The SDK requires PHP 5.6 or greater.

$ composer require gluwa/gluwa-php

Create and initialize a Gluwa object. Then, enter the APIKey, APISecret and WebookSecret generated from the Gluwa Dashboard, and an Ethereum wallet to manage your funds. You can use credentials from sandbox dashboard and a Goerli wallet if you want to test in the sandbox environment.

// Specify your vendor path.

// If you want to run test on the sandbox mode, change below to values ​​obtained from Gluwa Dashboard's sandbox mode.
$Configuration_DEV = false; // "true" if you want to use the sandbox mode

$Configuration_APIKey = '{Your API Key}';
$Configuration_APISecret = '{Your API Secret}';
$Configuration_WebhookSecret = '{Your Webhook Secret}';
$Configuration_MasterEthereumPrivateKey = '{Your Ethereum Private Key}';
$Configuration_MasterEthereumAddress = '{Your Ethereum Address}';

$Gluwa = new Gluwa\Gluwa([
    '__DEV__' => $Configuration_DEV,
    'APIKey' => $Configuration_APIKey,
    'APISecret' => $Configuration_APISecret,
    'WebhookSecret' => $Configuration_WebhookSecret,
    'MasterEthereumPrivateKey' => $Configuration_MasterEthereumPrivateKey,
    'MasterEthereumAddress' => $Configuration_MasterEthereumAddress,

If you are using PHP 5.6, you need to enable php-bcmath because it is not enabled by default prior PHP 7. If it is not installed yet, just install it. Please visit here for more information.

If you receive the following message, you should install gmp extention on your server. Please visit this site to find a solution.

Function gmp_init is unavailable. Please make sure php_gmp extension is available

Now you are ready to use the Gluwa API.

Method Examples

Create a New Transaction

$PostTransaction_Currency = '{USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG or sNGNG}';
$PostTransaction_Amount = '{Sending Amount}';
$PostTransaction_Target = '{Receiver\'s Address}';
$PostTransaction_MerchantOrderID = '{Merchant\'s Order ID. Optional}';
$PostTransaction_Note = '{Custom Note. Optional}';
$PostTransaction_Expiry = {Expiry of the Transfer Request. Optional};

$Response = $Gluwa->postTransaction([
    'Currency' => $PostTransaction_Currency,
    'Amount' => $PostTransaction_Amount,
    'Target' => $PostTransaction_Target,
    'MerchantOrderID' => $PostTransaction_MerchantOrderID, // optional
    'Note' => $PostTransaction_Note, // optional
    'Expiry' => $PostTransaction_Expiry, // optional

Create a Payment QR Code

$Response = $Gluwa->getPaymentQRCode([
    'Currency' => 'USDG', // USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG or sNGNG
    'Amount' => '1',
    'Note' => '', // optional
    'MerchantOrderID' => '', // optional
    'Expiry' => 1800, // optional

getPaymentQRCode API returns a QR code png image as a Base64 string. You can display the image on your website as below:

<img src="data:image/png;base64,{BASE64_STRING_YOU_RECEIVED}" alt="Gluwa Payment QR Code">

List Transaction History for an Address

$Response = $Gluwa->getListTransactionHistory([
    'Currency' => 'USDG', // USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG or sNGNG
    'Limit' => '100', // optional
    'Status' => 'Confirmed', // optional
    'Offset' => '0', // optional

Retrieve Transaction Details by Hash

$Response = $Gluwa->getListTransactionDetail([
    'Currency' => 'USDG', // USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG or sNGNG
    'TxnHash' => '',

Retrieve a Balance for an Address

$Response = $Gluwa->getAddresses([
    'Currency' => 'USDG', // USDG or sUSDCG or KRWG or sNGNG

Webhook Validation

When user completes transfer via the QR code, the Gluwa API sends a webhook to your webhook endpoint. Verify that the values ​​actually sent by the Gluwa server are correct.

Payload and Signature of webhook can be obtained as follows:

$Headers = getallheaders();
$Signature = $Headers['X-REQUEST-SIGNATURE'];
$Payload = file_get_contents("php://input");

Verify the requested Signature and Payload as follows:

$Response2 = $Gluwa->validateWebhook([
    'Payload' => $Payload,
    'Signature' => $Signature,
Type Description
boolean This will return true if it is a valid webhook. If it returns false, you either set an incorrect secret or the webhook did not originate from Gluwa.