dev-master 2020-10-21 21:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 20:41:19 UTC


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Base is Framework and MVC



Create basic MVC installion

Run the script "./vendor/gluecks-gmbh/base/scripts/" inside the project root folder.

MVC / Smarty

Every Controller needs a

  • PHP Controller class

  • Smarty Template file

  • Smarty Config file

MVC / Smarty / Link-Plugin

You can use the link-plugin to generate uris out of a controller related to the routes.xml

The Syntax is:

{Link->use controller="/About::overveiw"}

If the uri contains regular expression it is necessary to add the values of the regualr expression. To do this you have to add a var named "values" to the plugin call. The variable have to be an numeric array with the syntax: first element belongs to the first regualar expression, the second element to the second regular expression and so on.

{Link->use controller="/Stores::details" values=["london"]}