
A library for interacting with FlatRatePay

v0.12 2019-06-17 14:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-18 02:48:47 UTC


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A library for interacting with FlatRatePay transactions APIs with the GivePay Gateway.


Install the library with Composer:

composer require givepay/givepay-gateway


Simple sale transaction example:


use \GivePay\Gateway\GivePayGatewayClient;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\Address;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\Card;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\Sale;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\TerminalType;

// Get configuration information
$client_id     = getenv("CLIENT_ID");
$client_secret = getenv("CLIENT_SECRET");
$merchant_id   = getenv("MERCHANT_ID");
$terminal_id   = getenv("TERMINAL_ID");

// Create the credit/debit card object
$card = Card::withCard(
    "411111111111", // Test Visa PAN
    "331", // CVV/CVV2
    "09", // Expiration month (MM)
    "23" // Expiration year (YY)

// Collect the payer's billing address 
$payer_address = new Address(
    "1 N Main St.",
    "Fort Worth",

$sale = new Sale(
    17.00, // Transaction amount in dollars
    "", // Billing email address
    "5555555555", // Billing phone number

// Create the client. You may use this globally within your application
$client = new GivePayGatewayClient(
    $client_id, $client_secret

// Make the transaction
$transaction_result = $client->chargeAmount($merchant_id, $terminal_id, $sale);

if (true == $transaction_result->getSuccess()) {
    echo "Transaction ID: " . $transaction_result->getTransactionId();
} else {
    echo "Transaction failed with message: " . $transaction_result->getErrorMessage();


Voiding a transaction


use \GivePay\Gateway\GivePayGatewayClient;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\V0id;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\TerminalType;

* @var GivePayGatewayClient $client The client

* @var string $merchant_id Your merchant ID

* @var string $terminal_id Your terminal ID

// The transaction ID of the transaction to void
$transaction_id = "<transaction id>";

$void = new V0id(
    $transaction_id // The transaction ID

// Make the void transaction
$void_result = $client->voidTransaction(

if (true == $void_result->getSuccess()) {
    echo "Transaction ID: " . $void_result->getTransactionId();
} else {
    echo "Transaction failed with message: " . $void_result->getErrorMessage();

Creating and using tokens:


use \GivePay\Gateway\GivePayGatewayClient;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\Address;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\Card;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\Sale;
use \GivePay\Gateway\Transactions\TerminalType;

* @var GivePayGatewayClient $client The client

* @var string $merchant_id Your merchant ID

* @var string $terminal_id Your terminal ID

* @var Address $payer_address The payer's billing address

// Create the credit/debit card object
$card_to_store = Card::withCard(
    "411111111111", // Test Visa PAN
    "331", // CVV/CVV2
    "09", // Expiration month (MM)
    "23" // Expiration year (YY)

// Store the card in the gateway and retrieve a payment token string
$token = $client->storeCard(

// Create a card from a token string
$payment_card = Card::withToken($token);

// Create the Sale request
$sale = new Sale(

// Make the transaction
$sale_result = $client->chargeAmount(

if (true == $sale_result->getSuccess()) {
    echo "Transaction ID: " . $sale_result->getTransactionId();
} else {
    echo "Transaction failed with message: " . $sale_result->getErrorMessage();


givepay/givepay-gateway is licensed under the GPLv3 license.