
Skeleton plugin for CakePHP

Installs: 5 112

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2024-07-26 08:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-26 08:29:03 UTC


This plugin offers a starting point for a generic web application, features include CRUD operations, file handling, HTTP request logging, soft-deletion, auto-templating and many more.


  • Install with composer:

    composer require gitsccit/web-skeleton
  • Load the plugin:

    bin/cake plugin load Skeleton
  • Run migrations and seeding:

    bin/cake migrations migrate -p Skeleton
    bin/cake migrations seed -p Skeleton



The API client of the Application Server, this contains methods to communicate with the App Server.

Add these entries to app_local.php.

Urls => [
    'apps' => '...', // App server url, this could be dev/test/prod.
    'refreshCallback' => '...',  // The endpoint that App server will call when an update is detected, defaults to '/pages/clear-cache'.
Security => [
    'appServerApiToken' => '...' // The token used to access App server API.


Use option -t Skeleton when baking. E.g. bin/cake bake all users -t Skeleton



For all incoming save request, this behavior sets user_id in request data to Session::read('').


Allows the tables to be filtered by passing query parameters in the url.

  • Add Filterable behavior to the tables you want to filter on.

    $this->addBehavior('Skeleton.Filterable', [
        'fields' => [
            'title', // value defaults to ['contain']
            'tag_count' => ['lte'],
            'Tags__name' => ['contains', 'exact'],
        'names' => [
            'Tags__name' => 'Tag',

    fields is required, you can define custom names for the fields by defining names.

  • Set query params in request url. E.g.

    • /pages?title=skeleton will return page entries where the title contains 'skeleton'.
    • /pages?title__exact=skeleton will return page entries where the title is exactly 'skeleton'.
    • /pages?tag_count__lte=5 will return page entries where the tag count is less than or equal to 5.
    • /pages?Tags__name=plugins will return page entries where the tag name contains 'plugins'.

Available operations are contains, exact, gt, gte, lt, lte, ne. Default is contains, if no operation is specified in the query parameter.


  • Make AppController extend \Skeleton\Controller\AppController.

  • All HTTP responses will be parsed based on the Accept header in the request, i.e., if Accept header is set to application/json, the response will be json-serialized.

  • Sets a number of convenient view variables for the template to use. See Template section below for the list.

Master/Replica Database Connections

  • Configure default datasource to connect to the master database, and replica to replica database.

  • Datasource configuration for plugins are created from master/replica during bootstrap. E.g., apps and apps_replica datasource configurations will be created for the plugin Apps, based on default and replica configurations.

  • DataSource Event Listener reconfigures save() and delete() to use default connection, and find() to use {*_}replica connection.

Enum Options

Use the EnumTrait in your ORM table object and use getEnumOptions() to read enum fields from that table.

Global Helper Functions

config/functions.php contains globally available helper functions. E.g.,

  • timestamp() => ‘2019-10-03 16:00:00’
  • is_assoc([‘key’ => ‘value’]) => true | is_assoc([‘JustValue’]) => false

Request Sanitation

RequestSanitationMiddleware replaces credit card numbers with X in all user submitted fields. You can define a list of valid credit card fields in the middleware.

Soft Delete

  • Create nullable deleted_at column of type timestamp in the database tables that you wish to implement SoftDelete.

  • Use the SoftDeleteTrait in your ORM table object. Alternatively, you can bake the ORM table: bin/cake bake model ModelName -t Skeleton

  • Add these options to the table associations if you wish to cascade soft-deletion.

    'cascadeCallbacks' => true,
    'dependent' => true

    E.g. If you wish to soft-delete all the articles belonging to a user that is being deleted, in UsersTable.initialize, you would have this in your table associations:

    $this->hasMany('Users', [
        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
        'cascadeCallbacks' => true,
        'dependent' => true


When using one of the Crud component methods in your controller to load the response, the following variables will be available in the view:

  • accessibleFields The fields assignable by the users. (Only set if action is one of add and edit)
  • className The name of current controller.
  • displayField The display field of current table object.
  • entity / entities Only set if you are using the fallback templates.
  • title A user friendly title of the current page.

Template Abstraction

  • Create template files in /Template/{FallbackTemplateFolder}.
  • Set fallbackTemplatePath option in your controller:
    $crud = [
        'fallbackTemplatePath` => {FallbackTemplateFolder}
    By default, the fallback template path is set to /Template/Common.
  • Delete the templates that you wish to be overridden by the fallback templates from the Cake-designated template folder.


  • Create index.php, add.php, view.php, edit.php in /Template/Admin.
  • Set fallbackTemplatePath option in UsersController:
    $crud = [
        'fallbackTemplatePath` => 'Admin'
  • Delete index.php, view.php from /Template/Users. Now the index and view methods will fallback to the corresponding templates in /Admin, whereas add, edit will be using the templates in /Users

View Helper

To load helpers, add $this->loadHelper('Skeleton.{helperName}'); in your AppView's initialize() method.


Utility tools to help you write your template files.


Parses a phone number into a user friendly format.