gioppy / statamic-glide-rest
An addon for Statamic 4 to add glide images on assets API endpoint
- statamic/cms: ^4.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 12:33:11 UTC
Statamic Glide Rest is a Statamic addon that expose glide thumbnails on a Rest API endpoint.
How to Install
composer require gioppy/statamic-glide-rest
How to Use
The plugin takes only glide presets at the moment, not inline definition of a thumbnail. Before use it, create some presets on regular config file (config/statamic/assets.php
After that, call the endpoint /glide?presets=preset1,preset2,...&id=container::path
passing the container name, the path (or name) of the image and a list of a presets.
The response is a normal asset response but with thumbnails node:
{ "alt": "", "id": "demo::01.jpg", "title": "01.jpg", "path": "01.jpg", "filename": "01", "basename": "01.jpg", "extension": "jpg", "is_asset": true, "is_audio": false, "is_previewable": false, "is_image": true, "is_svg": false, "is_video": false, "blueprint": { "title": "Demo", "handle": "demo" }, "edit_url": "http://localhost/cp/assets/browse/demo/01.jpg/edit", "container": { "id": "demo", "title": "Demo", "handle": "demo", "disk": "public", "blueprint": { "title": "Demo", "handle": "demo" }, "search_index": null, "api_url": null }, "folder": "/", "url": "http://localhost/storage/01.jpg", "permalink": "http://localhost/storage/01.jpg", "api_url": "http://localhost/api/assets/demo/01.jpg", "size": "71.35 KB", "size_bytes": 73062, "size_kilobytes": 71.35, "size_megabytes": 0.07, "size_gigabytes": 0, "size_b": 73062, "size_kb": 71.35, "size_mb": 0.07, "size_gb": 0, "last_modified": "2023-12-03T09:23:00.000000Z", "last_modified_timestamp": 1701595380, "last_modified_instance": "2023-12-03T09:23:00.000000Z", "focus": "50-50-1", "has_focus": false, "focus_css": "50% 50%", "height": 800, "width": 1200, "orientation": "landscape", "ratio": 1.5, "mime_type": "image/jpeg", "duration": null, "duration_seconds": null, "duration_minutes": null, "duration_sec": null, "duration_min": null, "playtime": "31:09", "thumbnails": { "small": "http://localhost/containers/demo/01.jpg/b7213a45700ddc51ab273d1b889dfb67.jpg", "medium": "http://localhost/containers/demo/01.jpg/648c933c5121599e77e74976196aedb2.jpg" } }
A side note
At the moment is not possible to register Rest endpoint on a Statamic addon, so this module must be called without /api
- Basic integration
- Handle errors
- Inline thumb definition
- Test