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A name generator using markov chain

v1.0 2021-11-14 21:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-15 02:51:58 UTC


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Generate names following Markov algorithm. This way, you will have names that looks "realistic" and not just a random succession of letters.

The way names are generated is only statistic. The more names you have in a list, the more "realitic" the result wille be. Of course, some strange results can occur.

How markov chains work

Each names are analysed and an array is generated, indicating what are the probability a letter is followed by another specific letter.

Per exemple, if you have two words 'aa' and 'ab' :

  • First letter will be 'a'
  • 'a' will be followed by another 'a', a 'b', or will be the last letter with 33% chance each.
  • 'b' will be the last letter

#How to install Use composer to simply add this package to your project:

composer require gildrd/name-generator

#How to use There are several ways to use this package:

By using built-in names lists

This package comes with some names lists: elves, dwarves and for Warhammer 40K. Others will be added later.

You can use one or more list as references to generate new names:

$nameGenerator = new NameGenerator(Type::FEMALE_40K_HIGHER_GOTHIC, Type::FEMALE_40K_LOWER_GOTHIC);
$name = $nameGenerator->generate();

By using your own list

If you don't like the lists included, you can work with your own lists. These can be PHP array or JSON.

Array list

$nameGenerator = new NameGenerator();
$nameGenerator->analyseFromArray(['Riri', 'Fifi', 'Loulou', 'Picsou']);
$name = $nameGenerator->generate();

JSON list

$nameGenerator = new NameGenerator();
$nameGenerator->analyseFromJson('["Riri", "Fifi", "Loulou", "Picsou"]');
$name = $nameGenerator->generate();

Setting up some parameters

There are some parameters you can set:

  • mininimum length: by default, the shortest name of your list
  • maximum length: by default, the longest name of your list
  • can a letter be three times in a row: by default false to avoid names such as 'aellla'
  • can be a name without vowels: by default false to avoid names such as 'rvrk'

To configure your parameters, create a new Parameter instance:

$nameGenerator = new NameGenerator(Type::MALE_40K_ARCHAIC);
$parameter = new Parameter();
$name = $nameGenerator->generate();