
Find the shortest path to retrieve all the objects in the own location

1.1.0 2019-02-25 00:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 12:33:17 UTC


Find the shortest path to retrieve all the objects in the own location

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

Get started

composer require ggggino/warehouse-path

Initialization from a give matrix

use GGGGino\WarehousePath\Warehouse;

public static function getSampleData()
    return array(
        array(array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1), array('weight' => 100), array('weight' => 1), array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1)),
        array(array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1), array('weight' => 100), array('weight' => 1), array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1)),
        array(array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1), array('weight' => 100), array('weight' => 1), array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1)),
        array(array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 2), array('weight' =>   2), array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 2), array('weight' => 1))

/** @var Warehouse $warehouse */
$warehouse = Warehouse::createFromMatrix(self::getSampleData());

Initialization from a give tree

use GGGGino\WarehousePath\Warehouse;
$loc1 = new Location('L1');
$loc2 = new Location('L2');
$loc3 = new Location('L3');
$corridor1 = new Location('C1');



$arrayPlaces = array($loc1, $loc2, $loc3, $corridor1);
/** @var Warehouse $warehouse */
$warehouse = Warehouse::createFromTree($arrayPlaces);

Initialization from a json

Look here and Here for a correct json used to build the warehouse

use GGGGino\WarehousePath\Warehouse;

/** @var Warehouse $warehouse */
$warehouse = Warehouse::createFromJson(getcwd() . "/resources/simpleWarehouse.json")

Initialization in detail

// Instantiate a place collector that contain the type of available places
$placesCollector = new PlacesCollector();

// optionally add the baseplace types (Location, Corridor, Wall)

// Istantiate the Parser to prepare the places in an array
$wm = new MatrixParser($param, $placesCollector);

// Istantiate a customizable Breadcrumb buider 
$breadcrumbBuilder = new BreadthFirstBreadcrumb($placesCollector);

$instance = new Warehouse($placesCollector, $wm, $breadcrumbBuilder);

Get distance from a starting point to every other location

/** @var Place $nodeStart */
$nodeStart = $calculatedArray[4];

Get the matrix of proximity

Call the Warehouse::getPath for every single location passed in the array

/** @var Place[] $arrayNodes array of the places to touch */
$arrayNodes = [...]

$matrix = $warehouse->getMultiplePath($arrayNodes);

Best path

Calculate the best path to touch every location from the matrix of proximity

/** @var Place[] $arrayNodes array of the places to touch */
$arrayNodes = [...]

$arrayNodeSorted = $warehouse->calculate($arrayNodes, $matrix);

With this function you get the best path to follow to touch every location in the warehouse/matrix.


Places are the main factor for calculating the best path from a Point A to B.

A warehouse can be seen as a matrix of Place that every item has own weight. From this, the program can create the best path:

Lx = Location - Weight 1

Wx = Wall - Weight 100

Cx = Corridor - Weight 2

L1 W1 L8
L2 W2 L7
L3 C1 L6
L4 C2 L5

Imagine you start from the Place "L1", the best path to "L7" will be:

L1 -> L2 -> L3 -> C1 -> L6 -> L7

So the distance, adding all the weight in the path, will be:

1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6

This library starts with these three places:

Name Weight Walkable
Corridor 2 true
Location 1 true
Wall 100 false

You can add as many type of Place as you want.

Read the complete doc about Places

Breadcrumb builder

The breadcrumb builder aim to create a matrix from the array of all places. This matrix will be passed to the calculator that calculate the correct order which is the correct path to touch all the places with the less cost possible.

Breadth First

With this method I map the wharehouse expanding the area and keep in mind the previous state on every step. In this way I can realize a wharehouse that every place knows the shortest path to specific point

Read the complete doc about Breadcrumb


The calculator is the method that choose the best order to touch every location listed. At the moment only one type of calculation is available.

Fast calculator

In the matrix builded from the distance between every location, I chose for every location the closer location.

Read the complete doc about Calculators