
Laravel API Query Builder Package based on Unlu/laravel-api-query-builder

v1.3.6 2018-05-23 22:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 03:34:13 UTC


composer require gfcd/laravel-query-builder-api


Laravel library based on selahattinunlu library

This library added some modifications from selahattinunlu library.

Functionalities Added

  1. It was added the FILTER parameter on query string, so the columns are encapsulated inside a filter property.
  1. On QueryBuilder.php, a new method was inserted. This method is called by applyDefaultRelationships(), and receive as parameter an array of model's relationships. This will do eager load.
class User {
    public function addressList()
        return $this->hasMany(Address::class);
class UserController {

    private $relationshipMethods = ["addressList"];

    public function index(Request $request)
        $queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(new User, $request);
        return response()->json([
            'data' => $queryBuilder
  1. On QueryBuilder.php, a new method was inserted. This method is called by $applyDefaultFilters, and receive as parameter an array of three properties:

class UserController {

    //eq: you can ommit operator, by default is "=" 

    private $extraParameters = [
            "column" => "name of column that you want add on server side, not on client side."
            "operator" => "the operator that you want use."
            "value" => "the value you want insert".

    public function index(Request $request)
        $queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(new User, $request);
        return response()->json([
            'data' => $queryBuilder

This is helpful in cases where you have a project that uses User Auth, and you want to retrieve data from database based on user_id or whatever column that you want to add on query.

Service Provider

Add this line into config/app.php file's providers


Publish config file

If you want to change default limit, orderBy and excludedParameters parameters, run this command on the terminal:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Gfcd\Laravel\Api\ApiQueryBuilderServiceProvider"


Others configurations can be followed using Unlu/laravel-api-query-builder, just changing the 'Unlu' for 'Gfcd'.