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Git Hook - A php library for handle GitHub and BitBucket webHook events

1.0.1 2016-11-22 08:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-21 04:14:12 UTC


works with GitHub and BitBucket webHooks

Installation (using composer)

composer require gevman/git-hook

GitHub Events (for more info take a look at Official GitHub Documentation)

  • onCommitComment - Commit or diff commented on.
  • onCreate - Branch or tag created.
  • onDelete - Branch or tag deleted.
  • onDeployment - Repository deployed.
  • onDeploymentStatus - Deployment status updated from the API.
  • onFork - Repository forked.
  • onGollum - Wiki page updated.
  • onIssueComment - Issue comment created, edited, or deleted.
  • onIssues - Issue opened, edited, closed, reopened, assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, milestoned, or demilestoned.
  • onLabel - Label created or deleted.
  • onMember - Collaborator added to a repository.
  • onMilestone - Milestone created, closed, opened, edited, or deleted.
  • onPageBuild - Pages site built.
  • onPrivateToPublic - Repository changes from private to public.
  • onPullRequest - Pull request opened, closed, reopened, edited, assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, or synchronized.
  • onPullRequestReview - Pull request review submitted.
  • onPullRequestReviewComment - Pull request diff comment created, edited, or deleted.
  • onPush - Git push to a repository.
  • onRelease - Release published in a repository.
  • onStatus - Commit status updated from the API.
  • onTeamAdd - Team added or modified on a repository.
  • onWatch - User stars a repository.


Example #1

automatically git pull on your server after every push

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$gitHubRepo = new \Gevman\GitHook\GitHub\Repository();

$gitHubRepo->onPush(function() {
    exec('cd /path/to/your/project && git pull');
Example #2

notify your team in Slack about Pull request

(I suggest use gevman/slack-bot ☺)

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$gitHubRepo = new \Gevman\GitHook\GitHub\Repository();
$slackBot = new \Gevman\SlackBot\IncomingBot('YOUR_SLACK_HOOK_URL');

$gitHubRepo->onPullRequest(function($payload) use ($slackBot) {
    $message = sprintf(
        '%s just %s pull request: `%s`',

BitBucket Events (for more info take a look at Official BitBucket Documentation)

  • onPush - A user pushes 1 or more commits to a repository.
  • onFork - A user forks a repository.
  • onUpdated - A user updates the Name, Description, Website, or Language fields under the Repository details page of the repository settings.
  • onCommitCommentCreated - A user comments on a commit in a repository.
  • onBuildStatusCreated - A build system, CI tool, or another vendor recognizes that a user recently pushed a commit and updates the commit with its status.
  • onBuildStatusUpdated - A build system, CI tool, or another vendor recognizes that a commit has a new status and updates the commit with its status.
  • onIssueCreated - A user creates an issue for a repository.
  • onIssueUpdated - A user updated an issue for a repository.
  • onIssueCommentCreated - A user comments on an issue associated with a repository.
  • onPullRequestCreated - A user creates a pull request for a repository.
  • onPullRequestUpdated - A user updates a pull request for a repository.
  • onPullRequestApproved - A user approves a pull request for a repository.
  • onPullRequestApprovalRemoved - A user removes an approval from a pull request for a repository.
  • onPullRequestMerged - A user merges a pull request for a repository.
  • onPullRequestDeclined - A user declines a pull request for a repository.
  • onPullRequestCommentCreated - A user comments on a pull request.
  • onPullRequestCommentUpdated - A user updates a comment on a pull request.
  • onPullRequestCommentDeleted - A user deletes a comment on a pull request.


Example #1

automatically git pull on your server after every push

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$bitBucketRepo = new \Gevman\GitHook\BitBucket\Repository();

$bitBucketRepo->onPush(function() {
    exec('cd /path/to/your/project && git pull');
Example #2

notify your team in Slack about Pull request

(I suggest use gevman/slack-bot ☺)

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$bitBucketRepo = new \Gevman\GitHook\BitBucket\Repository();
$slackBot = new \Gevman\SlackBot\IncomingBot('YOUR_SLACK_HOOK_URL');

$notifier = function($action) use ($slackBot) {
    return function($payload) use ($action, $slackBot) {
        $message = sprintf(
            '%s just %s pull request: `%s`',
