
GetePay Magento 2 plugin for accepting payments.

2.0.4 2023-11-18 12:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 13:38:44 UTC


This extension utilizes Getepay API and provides seamless integration with Magento, allowing payments for Indian merchants via Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking, and Wallets without redirecting away from the magento site.


Install through the "" file

bin/magento is executable command, this is to be executed from Magento installation directory.

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run following command to enable Getepay Magento module:
bin/magento module:enable Getepay_Getepe
  1. Run following command to install Magento cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:di:compile to compile dependency code.
  2. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the Getepay Magento module from the Magento installation folder.
  3. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Getepay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.

Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.

  1. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install the extension through composer package manager.

composer require getepay/getepe
php bin/magento module:enable Getepay_Getepe --clear-static-content

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

You should be able to see Getepay_Getepe in the module list

Execute following commands from Magento installation directory:

php bin/magento setup:di:compile && php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f && php bin/magento indexer:reindex && php bin/magento cache:flush

Enable and configure Getepay in Magento Admin under Stores -> Configuration -> Payment Methods -> Getepay Payment Gateway.

If you do not see Getepay in your gateway list, please clear your Magento Cache from your admin panel (System -> Cache Management).

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Getepay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Getepay as per timeout saved in configuration if Pending Orders Cron is Enabled.

Update order to processing

Check response from Getepay for events pending payments after order and updates pending order to processing if Enable Update Order Cron V1 is Enabled.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install


  • Enabled: Mark this as "Yes" to enable this plugin.

  • Title: Test to be shown to user during checkout. For example: "Pay using GetePay".

Uninstall OR Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Getepay Module

If composer is used for installation, use following commands from Magento installation directory to uninstall Getepay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Getepay_Getepe
php bin/magento module:uninstall Getepay_Getepe

If is used for installation, to uninstall following steps can be used: Disabled Getepay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Getepay_Getepe

To remove module directory, execute following command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Getepay

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Getepay_Getepe';


For any issue send us an email to and share the getepe.log file. The location of getepe.log file is var/log/getepe.log.